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摘要 作为19世纪最伟大的小说家,查尔斯·狄更斯的宗教思想非常深邃。从本质上来讲,其风靡中国数十载的经典巨作《双城记》是一部宗教色彩极为浓厚的小说。本文作者尝试从基督教救赎思想的视角去分析《双城记》中“自我牺牲”和“复活”的重要主题,希望能帮助中国读者进一步理解狄更斯小说创作及其对基督教的认识。 关键词:查尔斯·狄更斯;《双城记》;自我牺牲;复活;基督教 Table of Contents Abstract i 中文摘要 ii 1. Introduction 1 2. Self-sacrifice in A Tale of Two cities 2 2.1 The Christian belief in self-sacrifice 2 2.2 Personal self-sacrifice 2 2.2.1 The sacrifice of life 2 2.2.2 The sacrifice of will 3 2.3 Societal self-sacrifice 4 3. Resurrection in A Tale of Two cities 6 3.1 The Christian faith in resurrection 6 3.2 Personal resurrection 6 3.2.1 The renascence of earthly life 6 3.2.2 The resurrection of soul 7 3.3 Societal resurrection 8 4. The Significance of Self-sacrifice and Resurrection in A Tale of Two cities 9 4.1 The relationship between self-sacrifice and resurrection 9 4.2 The importance of Charles Dickenss Christian belief 9 5. Conclusion 11 Bibliography 12 Acknowledgements 13 1. Introduction Charles Dickens (1812 -1870) is one of the most popular English novelists of the Victorian era and his popularity has never faded. Entering the world of the working class at an early age, he witnessed the evil of the time. The land of Britain groans under the oppression of Capitalism. Charles Dickens is best known for the characters he created, and many of his works show a deep concern for social reform, for instance, Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, , Bleak House, Hard Times,and Our Mutual Friend. A Tale of Two Cities depicts the conflict between the French peasantry and the French aristocracy in the years before and during the French Revolution. Having been thrown to the Bastille by the Evrémondes and suffered excruciating pain both physically and mentally, Doctor Manette was finally rescued and gradually recovered from amentia under the care of his daughter Lucie. Years later, the heritor of the Evrémondes, alias Charles Darnay, renounced his title and property to teach in London, where he marr


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