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Analysis and Optimization of a Multistage Inventory-Queue System 姓名:王中兴 专业:管理科学与工程 学号:2120071900 出处:《年月,第卷,第期,第页。 作者:base-stock control,基本库存控制?)的队列模型,即用排队论的方法研究库存问题。为了评测多级系统的性能作者把它分解成了多个单级库存队列,这种方法简单而精确,并能解决满足服务水平要求下的总库存成本最小化问题。得出了一些与前人研究大不相同的结论: it may be better to assign less-variable servers to downstream stations instead of upstream stations;by considering the processing delay and inventory holding costs together, there is a definite benefit in managing work-in-process inventory (WIP在制品) actively throughout a supply chain。 2. 研究现状 现有的研究经常用队列网络模型来评测多级离散制造系统的性能,用多梯队库存模型来优化网络系统的库存控制。作者关心的是制造和供应链系统中的系能评测和优化,所以这个问题需要整合这两种模型。 Clark and Scarf:a multi-echelon serial system。Decomposed into a set of single-location inventory control problems, Closely related to our work are two papers by Lee and Zipkin (1992, 1995), where the authors study tandem and distributed production systems with exponential processing times and inventory control at every stage. Duri et al. (2000) demonstrate that the approximation method of Lee and Zipkin (1992, 1995) can be extended to systems with general service times。 The basic structure of the system studied in this paper is similar to that of the systems,However, ours is based on a very different idea—decompose the queue at each stage into two components, a backlog queue and a material queue, Furthermore, we optimize the inventory allocation in the system based on the performance model, whereas prior studies focus entirely on performance evaluation. Our study adopts the inventory-service optimization framework of Ettl et al. (2000). Our main focus, however, is to capture the queueing delay at each stage due to limited production capacity, whereas the infinite-server model in Ettl et al. is uncapacitated. 3. 模型与初步分析 作者用图形表示了要建模的制造/供应系统:有m+1级(m≥1),每一级都由一个单独的生产/配送设备组成。作者用m+1个节点来表示这个多级库存队列系统,系统中每个节点由两部分组成:一个服务率为μ,服务时间的平方变异系数SCV(squared coefficient of variation变异系数又叫离散系数,它是标准差与均值之比值的服务器;一个对半成品的输出存储。假设系统设立,订购成本可以忽略,于是可以用基本库存水平为


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