f r u i t a n d v e g e t a b l e(f r u i t n d v e g e t b l e).doc

f r u i t a n d v e g e t a b l e(f r u i t n d v e g e t b l e).doc

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FRUIT AND VEGETABLE Creditable and Non-creditable Foods Serving sizes specified are for children 3 through 5 years of age. Creditable Food Item Yes No Comments Nutrition Information “Ade” drinks (lemonade, limeade, etc.) X “Ade” drinks and not 100 percent full-strength juice. “Ade” drinks are usually high in sugar. Apple butter X Apple butter does not contain enough fruit for crediting purposes. Apple cider X Apple cider is a full-strength juice. Apple fritters, homemade X Apple fritters may be credited at breakfast or snacks as part of the total requirement for fruit/vegetable if each serving has at least ? cup of apple. Apple fritters are high in fat. Banana or carrot bread X Fruit and Vegetable bread, such as banana or carrot bread, do not contain enough fruit/vegetable to be credited toward the fruit/vegetable requirement. They contain less than ? cup per serving. Banana in pudding X Pudding with bananas can be credited as part of the total requirement for fruit/vegetable if each serving has at least ? cup of bananas. If the pudding contains less than ? cup of fruit per serving, then the fruit may not be counted toward the fruit/vegetable requirement. Barbecue sauce X Barbecue sauce does not contain enough vegetable per serving to be credited. Barbecue sauce may be high in salt. Choose lower sodium varieties or limit the use of barbecue sauce. Bean sprouts X Bean sprouts can be credited if at least ? cup is served. Bean and pea soup X One cup commercial, reconstituted soup is equivalent to ? cup vegetable for 3 through 5 year olds. Beans and peas, canned or dry X Beans and peas cooked from a dry state or canned (kidney, garbanzo, black beans, etc.) may be credited as a vegetable. They cannot be credited toward the meat/meat alternate and the fruit/vegetable requirement in the same meal. Beans an



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