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^.. * Section C 基变序 有规律 one→first two→second three→third 一、二、三 单独记 four→fourth th要从四加起 eight→eighth nine→ninth 八去t,九去e five→fifth twelve→twelfth ve要用f来代替 twenty→twentieth thirty→thirtieth 几十改y为ie twenty-one→twenty-first thirty-four→thirty-fourth 若遇几十几,只变个位就可以 A:Who is your favorite actor? B: She is Xie Na. A: When was Xie Na born? B: She was born on May 6th, 1981. A: Where was she born? B: She was born in Sichuan Xie Na May, 6th, 1981 Sichuan 日期的表达方法? 2001, 5, 21st ①月日,年??May?21st,?2001??读作:May??twenty-first,?two?thousand?and?one? ②日月,年??21st?May,?2001??读作:the?twenty-first?of?May,?two?thousand?and?one? square triangle circle rectangle oval star A: What shape is it ? B: Its a /an..... A: What shape was it before? B: It was a/an..... Past?simple通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件、?动作或情况。动词用其过去式。 我们主要讲述系动词be的过去时。? 1.?肯定句:主语?+?was/were?+其它。?如:?? ????I?was?born?in?China.???????You?were?three?in?2004.? 2.?否定句:?主语+was/were?+not?+其它。?? ????I?wasn’t? in China last year ????We?weren’t?at?school?last?week.? 3.?一般疑问句及其回答:??Was?/were?+?主语+其它?????????????????????简略回答:?Yes,?主语+was/were.???????????No,?主语+?wasn’t/weren’t.? ?????——Were?you?twelve?last?year.?——Yes,?I?was.?/?No?,?I?wasn’t?. be?动词一般过去时的基本用法 I was in Class1, Grade 7 in 2014 He was a student last year. It was a star before. They were bedrooms two days ago.. be?动词一般过去时的基本用法 pencil-box 24cm×6.4cm A:What shape is it? B:Its a rectangle Whats the shape of this pencil-box ? A:How long is it? B:Its 24 centimeters long A: How wide is it ?/ B: Its six point four wide. A:What do we use it for? B:We use it for keeping pens . We can use it to keep pens It’s?6.4?centimeters?wide.?(该物有6.4厘米宽)。 ?It’s+数词+计量单位+形容词(长、宽、高)????? 1)?句子6.4读作?six?point?four.?? 2)?英语中表达长宽高,常先说数字,再说单位,而表示长宽高的形容词放在最后。如:??????The?man?is?2?meters?tall. MP4 9cm×6cm computer 35cm×27cm A:What shape is it? B:Its a r


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