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平均房价对职工年平均工资的影响 内 容 摘 要 近年来,房价已经成为了我们普通老百姓越来越关注的问题,其实不仅是老百姓,应该是从上至下的所有人都开始感兴趣了。当然这不是没有原因的。涌进楼市的资金多的异乎寻常,除了那些房地产商们,随着市场恶化,许多其他行业也纷纷涉足房地产,还有某些政府机构也干这事,更有遍地的外资企业,海外的热钱,人们认为其他的都不赚钱了,所以这些钱就一起进入股市楼市用来炒楼炒房。而很多老百姓还是买不起房的,因为现在买房的人买房不是用来住的,是用来炒的Average price on the trade effects of the average annual wage Abstract In recent years, prices have become increasingly concerned about us ordinary people, in fact, not only is the ordinary people, should be a top-down of all the people interested. Of course this is not without reason. Poured into the property market funds more bizarre, apart from the real estate business, as the market deterioration in many other industries have also been involved in real estate, there are some government agencies were also to do it, the more over foreign-funded enterprises, the hot money overseas, people think that the other will not make money, so the money went into the stock market for speculative real. While many people still cant afford housing because now many people buying a House is not buying a House to live in, is fried, do speculative use of, and rising wages are far behind the rise in house prices, but not both. This article on the average price on the workers average annual wage of a linear regression model, and carried out a series of data analysis that you want to be able to average rates on workers on an average annual wage in doing some preliminary discussion of exploration. Key words: House prices wages of workers relation 目 录 序 言 1 一.平均房价与职工年平均工资的现状 1 二.具体分析平均房价对职工年平均工资的影响 2 (一)模型设定 3 (二)数据的描述性统计 3 (三)变量间相关性的分析 2 (四)估计参数 4 (五)模型检验 5 1.经济意义检验 5 2.统计检验 5 三.结论及建议 6 参考文献 8 序 言 近年来,大家都不约而同的关注起了房价,当然这与不断攀升的房价有很大的关系。还有一点就是我们中国人总希望能够有稳定的归属感,即就是能有自己的房子,不管是给自己还是给子孙们。但是要用我们的储蓄来买房真的是挺困难的事情,对很多人来说都是压力。当然在买房这方面我们的工资还是起到了一定的作用。或许我们没有发现,其实我们的工资也是在不断的上涨,不过涨幅不大。本文通过平均房价对职工平均工资的影响的分析,从而为房价与职工工资的确定提出一些建议。 一、平均房价与职工年平均工资的现状 众所周知,我国房地产既具有社会民生属性,也是宏观经济的关键性领域,房地产业一直以来都被赋予“支柱型”产业的重任,也正是在这个博弈过程中,房地产市场投资“过热”、


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