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labor-intensive 指进行生产主要依靠大量使用劳动力,而对技术和设备的依赖程度低的产业。其衡量的标准是在生产成本中工资与设备折旧和研究开发支出相比所占比重较大。一般来说,目前劳动密集型产业主要指农业、林业及纺织、服装、玩具、皮革、家具等制造业。随着技术进步和新工艺设备的应用,发达国家劳动密集型产业的技术、资本密集度也在提高,并逐步从劳动密集型产业中分化出去。例如,食品业在发达国家就被划入资本密集型产业。 Business English Reading Courseware Book 2 Chapter Thirteen Abstracts from Articles on Joint Ventures 合 资 企 业 分 析 文 摘 Step One First, read Material One under teacher’s instructions. Then teacher gives hints or tips for reading. Finally, teacher checks the answers and gives explanations. The term joint international business venture, joint venture for short, has come to mean many things to many people. It sometimes is taken to mean any joint relationship between one or more foreign firms and one or more local firms. Such a broad definition is excluded here. Joint venture will be taken to mean joint ownership of an operation in which at least one of the partners is foreign based. Joint ventures can take many forms. A foreign firm may take a majority share, a minority share, or an equal share in ownership. While it is not necessary to have financial control or to have operating control, some firms refuse to use the joint venture form if it is not possible to have a majority position in ownership. There are firms that have few qualms about holding minority position, however, so long as they can have operating control. They achieve this through technical-aid, management, or supply contracts. It should be recognized that maintaining operating control is sometimes difficult if one does not have financial control too. Objectives of the participants may diverge; when they do, financial control becomes important. Management may wish to reinvest earnings while the majority of the board may wish earnings distributed as dividends. Unless policy issues of this kind can be settled amicably, lack of financial control can prove to be very unsatisfactory, if not fatal. Many joint ventures emerge as matters of necessity: that is, no single firm is willing to assume the ris


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