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1~7: Resident Evil 01-The Umbrella Conspiracy Resident Evil 02-Caliban Cove Resident Evil 03-City Of The Dead Resident Evil 04-Underworld Resident Evil 05-Nemesis Resident Evil 06-Code Veronica Resident Evil 07-Zero Hour 充分的心理描写 语言描写 不多的外貌描写 人物:Carlos Olivera(第五部主人公) 人物:Rebecca Chambers(第一,二,四,七部主人公) 人物:Albert Wesker(第一部主人公,第六部酱油) 人物:Nicholai Ginovaef(第五部大反派) Carlos I made it, and he said he could help – maybe a res-cue team is already on its way, or he arranged for me to be picked up here… or maybe there are weapons stored in the front, not as good as an evac but Ill take what I can get. 我遵照约定来了。他说过会救我一一说不定救援小队正在赶来的路上。 还是说他已经让接我的人来到了这里……不,也有可能是在店里准备了武器。不管怎么说,即便不是能立刻让我逃离这场灾难好消息也无所谓,怎么样都行。 Rebecca Perhaps Trent would help them again. Perhaps Barry and Jill and Chris would uncover more in Raccoon. Perhaps… 可能,特兰特还会帮助我们。还有巴瑞,吉尔和克里斯,他们或许能在浣熊市找出他们的真实目的…… Rebecca Steve and Johns banter had been a welcome break from her tension, making her feel like one of the team almost instantly, but she was also glad to see the serious, intent looks on all of their faces as they turned their attention to David, watching him pull out Trents information and lay it on the table. It was good to know that they were pros… … but will it matter? her mind whispered softly. The S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon were professionals, too. And even knowing the kind of research Umbrellas been doing, will it make any difference at all? What if the virus mutated and is still infectious? What if the place is crawling with Tyrants… or something worse? Rebecca had no answer for the insistent little whis-per. She focused on David instead, silently telling herself that her anxieties wouldnt get in the way of her doing her job. And that her second mission wouldnt be her last. For Rebeccas sake, David started the briefing as he would have with an entirely new team. As bright as she was, and with her previous experience at an Umbrella facility, he didnt want her to hold back for fear of speaking out of turn. Wesker Weske


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