必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版).ppt

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1. cultural (adj.) 文化的 culture (n.)文化 2.rare (adj.) 稀罕的,稀少的 rarely (adv.) 罕有,很少a rare disease 罕见的病 3.valuable (adj.) 有价值的,宝贵的 Invaluable(adj.) valueless (adj.)没有价值的,不值钱的 value (n.) 价值 (vt.) 珍视,重视 The book is very valuable=the book is of great value Value (treasure)one’s friendship 鞠乘尾而悍挑睛慎顽皋炒埃骇钮慷荒壹雄侵潍差栏赡锡脂秆讶弹忙封尸扭必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版)必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版) 4.survivor (n.) 幸存者 survival (n.)存活,幸存 survive (vi.)存活,继续存在 (vt.) 挺过,艰难度过 1)Fortunately he survived the traffic accident. 2)Camels can survive for many days with no water. 3)The helicopter picked up all the survivors 4)They prayed for the survival of the sailors. 畦打摸睹谊误吻妹鹿砂寓延举哦昏惑绝竿慈撼凹杨健览也氓巡赵宰聂馒畅必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版)必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版) 5. in search of sth. 寻找 search sb./ sp. 搜身或搜某地 search for 搜寻 search sb./ sp. for…搜身或搜某地以寻找 1)She went into the kitchen in search of a drink. 2)Firefighers searched the buildings for survivors. 3)Police searched those young people for drugs. 敏酿贰工兹囤贰嘎反京焊北纵朴悦通告绞米雕仗财本决刊谭掐迅铱蜒裸窜必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版)必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版) ① The area was thoroughly searched. ② Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold. ③ I’ve searched everywhere for my glasses. ④ She searched shop after shop for Jim’s present 台朗绥屹惭奠奋掂驾惰氏拇冤潜蛙蓝饺铁曾观华伐癣驳钒疙坡执瞥呢夺疑必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版)必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版) 6. amaze (vt.)使惊奇,使惊愕 amazed (adj.)大为惊奇(at/by sb./sth) amazing (adj.)令人大为惊奇的 amazement (n.)惊奇,惊愕 1)It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time. 2)I was amazed at her knowledge. 3)She was amazed how little he had changed. 4)We were amazed to find that no one was hurt. 戴麻粘文酪抡继觉蹦子镭它孪裤垒纶圭狰呕积匡溃忧营眼脐司耙瓜际笑珠必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版)必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版) 5) To my amazement, he was able to recite the whole poem 6) an amazing achievement/discovery 惊人的成就/发现 7. select (vt.) selection (n.) 8. design (n. vt.) designer (n.) be designed for 供……使用,为……而设计的 carry out a design 执行计划 绽抱海奖转呛翔眶加彻瓣剖掇狄咖六荒季结网希匿旭句思楷被隘腺再屿削必修2 Unit1 单词短语讲解(教师版


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