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The French Revolution teacher web法国革命教师网.ppt

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The French Revolution teacher web法国革命教师网

What is a Revolution? Revolution ‘A drastic, sudden substitution of one group in charge of a territorial political entity by another group hitherto not running that government.’ (Crane Brinton,The Anatomy of Revolution, p. 4) Crane Brinton’s Anatomy of a Revolution He borrowed his terms from pathology. Compares a revolution to a disease. FEVER MODEL OF REVOLUTION Much like an illness, revolutions can also be studied in stages This stage in an illness is when the cause of the sickness first comes into contact with the individual, infecting them, but not yet causing any symptoms to present themselves. What would this stage be like in a revolution? In a revolution, this stage would involve the political, social, intellectual, or economic causes. In some cases, these causes could fester for many years before showing themselves in the form of actual revolutionary action. Sickness? affects person in observable ways? Temp may rise; cough might present ; individual might become weak queasy. What would this stage be like in a revolution? 1st part to involve direct action resulting from social, political, intellectual, or economic causes of incubation stage. Might involve the publication of works calling for a change, street level riots by common people, or more direct attempts at changing society. Crisis Stage Make or break part of struggle. May involve conflict where sides for against revolution compete. (could take the form of debate or full-scale war) Successful revolutions survive this stage- those that don’t are failed rebellions. Critical stage? 2 things can happen? individual either breaks the fever after a heightened stage of illness OR gets progressively worse does not recover. What would this stage be like in a revolution? Convalescence Recovery from illness. Individual might be weakened from experience, but he or she will eventually emerge healthy w/ new knowledge experience that might prevent illness from occurring again. What would thi


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