The full Steiner tree problem NTU满Steiner树问题台大.pptVIP

The full Steiner tree problem NTU满Steiner树问题台大.ppt

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The full Steiner tree problem NTU满Steiner树问题台大

The full Steiner tree problem Theoretical Computer Science 306 (2003) 55-67 C. L. Lu, C. Y. Tang, R. C. T. Lee Outline Definition of Steiner tree-(2) The vertices in R are usually referred as terminals and vertices in V\R as steiner (or optional) vertices Note that a steiner tree might contain the steiner vertices. The length of a steiner tree is defined to be the sum of the lengths of all its edges The so-called steiner tree problem is to find a steiner minimum tree, i.e., steiner tree of minimum length Please see Fig 1 Applications Hardness Applications: VLSI design, network routing, wireless communications, computational biology The problem is well known to be NP-complete [R.M. Karp, 1972], even in Euclidean metric or rectilinear metric Approximation Algorithms Many important problems are NP-complete or worse They are approximation algorithms How good are the approximations ? We are looking for theoretically guaranteed bounds, not empirical bounds Some Definitions Given an optimization problem, each problem instance x has a set of feasible solutions F(x) Each feasible solution s?F(x) has a cost c(s)?Z+ The optimum cost is opt(x)=mins?F(x)c(s) for a minimization problem Its opt(x)=maxs?F(x)c(s) for a maximization problem Approximation Algorithms Let algorithm M on x returns a feasible solution M is an ?-approximation algorithm, where ??0, if for all x, For a minimization problem, For a maximization problem, Lower and Upper Bounds For a minimization problem: So approximation ratio For a maximization problem: So approximation ratio The above are alternative definitions of ?-approximation algorithms ? between 0 and 1, if P=NP, then ?=0 Definition of full steiner tree-(1) A steiner tree is full if all terminals are leaves of the tree If we restrict the lengths of edges to be either 1 or 2, then the problem is called the (1,2)-full steiner tree problem(FSTP(1,2)) In order to make sure that a full steiner tree exists, we restrict the given graph G=(V


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