The Graduate Life and the Ph研究生生活和PH值. D. Degree .pptVIP

The Graduate Life and the Ph研究生生活和PH值. D. Degree .ppt

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The Graduate Life and the Ph研究生生活和PH值. D. Degree

The Gradual Life and the Personal Hair Dressing Degree The Graduate Life and the Ph. D. Degree Douglas Wick, Ph. D. Department of Chemistry SCCC Application Undergraduate research experience Strong references Review professor’s research /~wdjgrp/wdj_home.html Consider new geography GRE requirements Language requirements Visitations Interview Professors What projects are planned? What are the funding sources? Where do graduates go, industry, academia? Interview Graduate Students Get the pulse of the lab Learn about the demands of the professor Learn about how social life mixes with scientific life The Process Year 1: Course work, qualifying written exams, choice of lab, TA work, research, say goodbye to summers off if you were fortunate to have done so previously Year 2: Research, group meetings and presentations, Ph. D. candidacy exam (an oral presentation with many interruptions), TA or RA The Process Year 3: Research, (TA work), group meetings, departmental literature lecture, thesis committee meeting Year 4: Similar to Year 3 Year 5: Final experiments, writing, writing, writing, post-doctoral position or job campaign The Process Dissertation (thesis): oral presentation to public, closed defense with thesis committee: advisor, 2 chemistry faculty, outside chemistry faculty, non-chemistry faculty Celebration (brief, often anti-climactic) During the process years you will attend professional meetings, and usually give posters and/or talks depending on the progress of the research project. Usually, but not always, at least one paper is published by the end of your graduate career Things to Know You are paid to do research and teach $15,500 in 1993, ~$22,000 today Tuition Fees paid by overhead on research grants You will become a devotee of pasta in its only form, i.e with sauce from a jar, coffee and/or beer You will be socialized through softball and volleyball in the summer and at departmental holiday parties Medical school students have the best p


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