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PPE Management PPE管理程序 1. Introduction 介绍 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is minimum protection to personnel in an event of incident. This procedure outlines the general requirements for managing the PPE and provides site wide standard on PPE related system. All areas and all DSPC staff shall follow this procedure to ensure the realization of company safety objectives. 个人防护用品是在事件发生时对人员的最起码防护。本程序概述了个人防护用品管理的一般要求,并提出了涉及人个防护用品相关体系上的全厂标准。所有区域和所有DSPC员工都要遵守本程序,以保证公司安全目标的实现。 2. Purpose 目的 PPE is a secondary protection for employees when engineering or administrative controls are not sufficient to protect employees. This procedure provides general concept on the requirements for hazard assessments in the workplace, selection of PPE, training on PPE, proper use of PPE, store and maintenance of PPE, certification and data records. 在工程或管理控制不能充分保护员工时,个人防护用品作为员工的第二保护用品。本程序提出的基本概念要求,有工作场所危害评定、如何选择PPE、PPE的培训、正确使用PPE、PPE的储存和维护。 3. Procedure 程序 3.1 Hazards Assessments 危害评定 3.1.1 Each area shall conduct a workplace hazards assessment every year, the document shall be approved by Plant Manager and kept in file. Assessments or reviews must be applied to all work areas. It shall address following items 每一区域每年要对工作场所的危害进行评定,文档要经生产经理的批准并存档。评定或复审要适用于所有工作区域。应有以下几点。 Area/section name 区域/部门名字 What kind of potential hazards will have in the area 区域内哪种潜在危害 Whether PPE is required, and if so what kind of PPE is required for each job or each employee. If the assessment concludes that there are no hazards requiring PPE, it still shall be kept in document. 是否要求PPE,如果是,每项工作或每位员工应穿戴哪种PPE。若评定断定没有危害需要PPE,在文档中仍要保留。 The hazard assessment can take the form of a process hazards review (PHR), standard operating procedure (SOP), checklist of tasks, etc. 危害的评定可参考PHR、标准操作程序、工作检查表等等。 The PPE requirement or the result of the Hazard assessments shall be posted in the area and/or written in specific job procedure. PPE的需求或危害评定结果要张贴在区域内和/或写入具体的工作程序内。 Selection of PPE type for area/task 适用于区域/任务的



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