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·临床报告· 小切口手法碎核白内障摘除人工晶状体植入术在复明行 动中的应用 孙摇 峰,杨摇 建,杨学龙,吴摇 兵 基金项目:江苏大学 2012 年度医学临床科技发展基金项目(No. JL 作者单位:(211300)中国江苏省南京市,江苏建康职业学院附属 南京市高淳人民医院眼科 作者简介:孙峰,男,本科,主治医师,研究方向:白内障、青光眼。 通讯作者:孙峰. cool99sf@ sohu. com 收稿日期: 2014-04-22 摇 摇 修回日期: 2014-07-30 Clinical effect of small incision cataract extraction with a manual nucleus division technique with intraocular lens implantation in cataract Feng Sun, Jian Yang, Xue-Long Yang, Bing Wu Foundation item: Clinical Science and Technology Development Foundation of Jiangsu University, 2012 (No. JL Department of Ophthalmology, Gaochun People蒺s Hospital Affiliated to Jiangsu Jiankang Vocational College, Nanjing 211300, Jiangsu Province, China Correspondence to: Feng Sun. Department of Ophthalmology, Gaochun People蒺s Hospital Affiliated to Jiangsu Jiankang Vocational College, Nanjing 211300, Jiangsu Province, China. cool99sf @ sohu. com Received:2014-04-22摇 摇 Accepted:2014-07-30 Abstract 誗AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of small incision cataract extraction with a manual nucleus division technique combined with intraocular lens implantation in cataract operation of large quantities. 誗METHODS: Totally 105 patients (105 eyes) underwent small incision cataract extraction surgery. Visual acuity was observed, eye condition, fundus and intraocular pressure were examined by slit lamp at postoperative 1wk; 1mo. 誗RESULTS: The visual acuity improved significantly at postoperative 1mo, 89 cases (89 eyes) with better than 0郾 3( 85%), 101 cases ( 101 eyes) with 0. 1 and above (96%) . It had short operation time, fewer complications and good anesthetic effect. 誗CONCLUSION: This operation is suitable for primary hospitals, which visual acuity improved obviously, without serious complications, and economic and feasible. 誗 KEYWORDS: cataract; small incision; cataract extraction; visual acuity; intraocular lens Citation:Sun F, Yang J, Yang XL,et al. Clinical effect of small incision cataract extraction with a manual nucleus division


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