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史 学 月 刊 2004年 第 5 期 · 史学理论与史学史 · 从历史发展多线性到史学范式多样化 — — 围绕“以一元多线论为基础的现代化范式的讨论 董 正 华 (北京大学 世界现代化进程研究中心 ,北京 100871) [关键词]一元多线论;现代化;现代化范式;史学范式 [摘 要]“以一元多线论为基础的现代化范式”把“现代化”主要看做一个有特定内涵的全球历史大变革 进程,看做一个并不具备终极目标价值而且道路模式选择多样的历史范畴,从而使之成为史学研究的对象。 它和 20世纪 50~60年代的美国现代化论有原则上的不同,也不同于建立在“五种生产方式序列”基础上的 “革命范式”。东、西方两种对立的单线演进历史模式,在史学方法论上都有绝对主义和排他性色彩。一元多 线历史发展观则是开放的、包容的、多面向的。现代化范式的出现打破了史学长期由单一范式支配的局面。 史学范式的多样化,是中国史学繁荣之道。 [中图分类号]K092;K02 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0583—0214(2004)05—0005—16 The M odernization Paradigm Based on M onistic M ulti-linear Theory:A Response to Some pro and con Comments DONG Zheng—hua (Centerfor Studies of World M0 P £ 0 Process,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China) Key Words:monistic multi—linear theory modernization;modernization paradigm ;historical paradigm Abstract:For a long period prior tO 1979,Chinese historical research has been dominated by the theory of“the Five Modes of Production”.According tO this theory,the whole history of China as well as the other parts of the world has been devel— oped from the first MOD tO the last one,succeeds one by one.The modernization theories prevailed during 1950s~ 1960s gave another uni—linear model of historical changes.For example,W .W.Rostow designed a Five Stage rank as a universal framework of economic development,every society could find its position in this uni—line.The task of the less developed SO— cl‘etl‘es‘is just accepting modernity from the modernized—developed societies tO make advance in the rank.Thus moderniza— tion is a uni—direction movement as wel as a uni-linear process.After 1979,modernization as a new paradigm has been ac— cepted by an increasing number of Chinese historians.The increasing depth and breadth of academic research has encour— aged such an acceptance,but,admittedly,as a new conceptual system that corresponded tO the historic break and the new direction towards modernization in China,this acceptance also showed the“crisis of paradigm ”,that is,the contradiction between the new


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