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八年级英语期中复习卷(短文阅读) 完型填空: (A) Mr. Smith lived in a village. He had 1 farms and about twenty people worked for him. He often told them 2 hard and to be honest. One day he went to a farm and worked with the workers there. Soon after that it was time 3 lunch. He put 4 of nice bread on the table and went out. A few minutes later he came back again, but 5 find them. “Who ate the bread on the table?” he shouted. Some of the workers answered, “We 6 .” The otheres said, “ We saw nothing.” “Well,” said Mr. Smith, “There are 7 in the rooms, you know. So I put some poison in the bread. 8 they eat, they must die. Then I can kill them.” As soon as he finished, four workers began to cry, “Oh, dear!” “ 9 ?” asked Mr. Smith. “We ate the bread when you were out. We are going to die.” one of them cried. “Don’t worry,” Mr. Smith said 10 . “I only a trick on you. Use your head.” ( )1. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little ( )2. A. work B. working C. works D. to work ( )3. A. have B. at C. with D. for ( )4. A. some piece B. some pieces C. some pieces of D. some piece of ( )5. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. couldn’t ( )6. A. did B. didn’t C. do D. does ( )7. A. many mouse B. a lot of mices C. lot of mice D. a lot of mice ( )8. A. If B. Before C. That D. And ( )9. A. How are you B. What are you doing C. Did you havve lunch D. What is wrong with you ( )10.A. with a smile B. with smiles C. smiling D. with smile (B) Mr. Green had got a problem. He worried 1 his son’s lessons. He came to the headmaster’s office. The headmaster was 2 . He didn’t think that Jim was 3 because he thought Jim was doing well in 4 his lessons, and was sure that Jim would do very well 5 tne exams. Mr. Green told the headmaster Jim was 6 weak in Chinese. The whole family was going back to England for a holiday. He worried that his son would 7 a lot of lessons. He could help Jim most of his s


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