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松雷中学高一英语导学案(7) 编制人: 授课时间: 班级: 姓名: 小组: 课题 Module 2 Introduction and pre-reading 课型 新课 课时 1课时 考纲 培养学生的阅读及听说能力。能够传递事实性信息。 学 习 目 标 运用所学的词汇和短语口头表达偏爱。 运用表示个性特征的词汇描述熟悉的人物。 重点 熟练运用描述人物特征的词汇。 难 点 与这些形容词搭配的介词。 流利表达自己的偏爱。 知识链 接 用所学的词汇及句型来描述自己的老师(写作)。 学 习 过 程 独学: Write some words to express a person’s character and pay attention to their meanings. Can you explain that some words will have a positive and a negative meaning? Positive:______________________________________________ Negative:_____________________________________________ Make some sentences after the models: 1).I ’ d rather study history than geography. __________________________________________________ 2).Would you like to go to the school play tonight? ___________________________________________________ 3).I prefer to study at home . ___________________________________________________ 4).Who do you prefer to work with? ___________________________________________________ 5).Which would you rather play ,tennis or badminton? ___________________________________________________-- reading : fast reading Look through the text and match the following items: Li____________________________________________________-- Chen__________________________________________________ Wu ___________________________________________________ (physics, strict, serious and doesn’t smile ,talk loudly and fast,amusing,English,nervous,shy,kind,patient,clearly,slowly, smiles a lot, Chinese literature ,enjoy teaching,energetic,well organized and clear) 随堂笔记(成果记录、问题生成、学以致用) __________________ 课堂环节的设置及教学目的: 通过判断对错和顺序题培养学生对细节信息的捕捉能力 ◇课堂互动◇ Read the text carefully and finish the following tasks. True (T). False (F). 1)I think Mrs li was nervous and shy at the beginning . 2).All the students don’t like Mrs Chen . 3).With Mrs Chen teaching me , I”ll like Physics the best soon. 4).Mr.Wu is popular be


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