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松雷中学高一英语导学案 编制人: 授课时间: 班级: 姓名: 小组: 导学案序号:6 课题 Cultural corner 课型 阅读课 课时 考 纲目 标 ①理解文中具体信息,学习细节题的解题技巧。 四会词汇的掌握relationship,formal,be true of,similarity,can。 学习 目标 四会词汇:relationship,formal,be true of,similarity,can。 通过本课的学习,了解英语国家中学教育的大致情况;通过对比,思考我国中学教育。 重点 阅读中的对比法找具体信息 难 点 如何使学生积极主动地参与到教学活动中来,大胆地说,自主地演。 知识链 接 了解不同国家的教育体制 学 习 过 程 课前预习◇ 从下面的框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空。 appreciation, similar, different, be true of, relax, take notes, point to,discipline 1. We all appreciate her __________ style of teaching. 2. The two boys dress ____________. 3. Young people must be taught to learn the ________ between good and evil. 4. It’s impolite of you to face people with your feet _________ them. 5. The food is good and the same _________ the service. 6. The students are busy __________ in class. 7. Nearly all the teachers can have big problems with __________. 8. Even if he is rich in knowledge, he was never __________ in his lifetime. 随堂笔记(成果记录、问题生成、学以致用) 请同学们认真阅读第19页课文,然后回答问题 ,在小组内讨论答案。 逐段突破 在字典中找出 relationship, formal be true of similarity can 它们的基本用法,并完成句子。 阅读课文回答下列问题 1. What kind of differences in schools does this passage describe? 2. What is the relationship between teachers and students in some countries like France and Britain? 3. What’s the main difference between state schools and private schools? 阅读第二段,回答下列问题 Check the following sentences true or false ① State schools are paid for by the government, but in private schools, the parents pay for the education of their children.( ) ② Britain, Russia, America, Germany, and France have both states and private schools. ( ) ③ In America, the private schools can be very good.( ) 模仿课文的句子造句 她和她妹妹关系非常的亲密。 她的举止特别自然. 这件事适用于每个人. 你对我不必要如此拘谨。 夫妻俩在各自选择的事业上都很成功。 慢跑也可能会对健康有害 课堂反馈: The relationship between teachers an


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