Cohomological restrictions on Kahler groups.pdf

Cohomological restrictions on Kahler groups.pdf

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Cohomological restrictions on Kahler groups

a r X i v : m a t h / 0 1 0 5 1 7 7 v 2 [ m a t h .A G ] 2 3 J u n 2 0 0 1 Cohomological Restrictions on Ka?hler groups Azniv Kasparian Abstract Let X be a compact Ka?hler manifold with fundamental group π1(X). After introducing the notion of higher Albanese genera gk, the work establishes lower bounds on the number of the relations of π1(X) in terms of the number of the generators, the irregularity, the Albanese dimension, gk and etc. The argument relates the cup product maps in the cohomologies of X and π1(X). It derives some lower bounds on the ranks of these cup products and applies Hopf’s Theorem, describing H2(π1(X),Z). The same techniques provide lower bounds on the Betti numbers of X and π1(X) within the range of the Albanese dimension. 1 Statement of the results The abstract groups G which are isomorphic to the fundamental group π1(X) of a compact Ka?hler manifold X are briefly referred to as Ka?hler groups. These are always finitely presented. The compact complex torus Alb(X) = H1,0(X)?/H1(X,Z)free is called an Albanese variety of the com- pact Ka?hler manifold X. The Albanese map albX : X → Alb(X), albX(x)(ω) := ∫ x x0 ω for ω ∈ H1,0(X) is defined up to a translation, depending on the choice of a base point x0 ∈ X. The Albanese dimension of X is a = a(X) := dimC albX(X). The compact Ka?hler manifold Y is said to be Albanese general if h1,0(Y ) dimC Y = a(Y ). A surjective holomorphic map fk : X → Yk of a compact Ka?hler manifold X onto an Albanese general manifold Yk of dimC Yk = k is called an Albanese general k-fibration. It induces a complex linear embedding f ? k : H1,0(Yk) → H1,0(X) of the holomorphic (1, 0)-forms, so that h1,0(Yk) is bounded above by h1,0(X). The maximal h1,0(Yk) for Albanese general k-fibrations fk : X → Yk is called k-th Albanese genus of X and denoted by gk = gk(X). The aim of the present note is to establish the following estimates: Proposition 1 Let X be a compact Ka?hler manifold whose fundamental group admits a finit


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