Confirmation of strong magnetic field amplification and nuclear cosmic ray acceleration in.pdf

Confirmation of strong magnetic field amplification and nuclear cosmic ray acceleration in.pdf

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Confirmation of strong magnetic field amplification and nuclear cosmic ray acceleration in

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 3 1 0 8 6 2 v 1 3 0 O c t 2 0 0 3 Astronomy Astrophysics manuscript no. Fi041 February 5, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) Confirmation of strong magnetic field amplification and nuclear cosmic ray acceleration in SN 1006 E. G. Berezhko 1 , L. T. Ksenofontov 1,2 , and H. J. Vo?lk 3 1 Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy, 31 Lenin Ave., 677891 Yakutsk, Russia 2 Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, Chiba 277-8582, Japan 3 Max Planck Institut fu?r Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, D-69029 Heidelberg, Germany e-mail: Received / Accepted Abstract. It is shown that the nonlinear kinetic model of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in supernova remnants (SNRs) fits the shell-type nonthermal X-ray morphology, obtained in Chandra observations, in a satisfactory way. The set of empirical parameters is the same which reproduces the dynamical properties of the SNR and the spectral characteristics of the emission produced by CRs. The extremely small spatial scales of the observed X-ray distribution are due to the large effective magnetic field Bd ~ 100 μG in the interior, which is also required to give a good fit for the spatially integrated radio and X-ray synchrotron spectra. The only reasonably thinkable condition for the production of such a large effective field strength is an efficiently accelerated nuclear CR component. Therefore the Chandra data confirm the inference that SN 1006 indeed accelerates nuclear CRs with the high efficiency required for SNRs to be considered as the main Galactic CR sources. Key words. ISM: cosmic rays, supernova remnants; individual: SN 1006 A simple-minded calculation (McKenzie Vo?lk 1982) of the mean square magnetic field (MF) fluctuation (δB)2 (δB/B)2 = MaPc/(ρgV 2 s ) (1) excited by the cosmic ray (CR) streaming instability in a strong shock with Ma ? 1 shows that for efficient acceleration, Pc ~ ρgV 2 s , the excitation of resonant Alfve?n wav


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