A Feminist Interpretation of The Sun Also Rises 英语专业本科毕业论文.doc

A Feminist Interpretation of The Sun Also Rises 英语专业本科毕业论文.doc

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A Feminist Interpretation of The Sun Also Rises A Thesis Submitted To Foreign Language Department Of College of Information Business, Zhongyuan University of Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Student ID Number: 201003014116 Supervisor: April 15th , 2014 论 文 摘 要 欧内斯特?米勒尔?海明威(1899-1961)是20世纪最著名的小说家之一,也是“迷惘的一代”的代言人。《太阳照样升起》是海明威的第一部长篇小说,主要叙述战后一群流落在法国的美国年轻人的独特生活。在这部小说中,海明威塑造了一位颇有争议的女性形象—勃莱特·阿什利。 本文将从女性主义理论入手,结合小说创作的时代背景,分析小说中女主角—勃莱特·阿什利对男权社会所做的反抗,揭示其反抗失败的原因,探索女性真正走上独立自主道路的途径,从而给现代女性以启示。 关键词:太阳照常升起;女性主义;反抗;失败 Abstract Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961)was one of the most famous writers in 20th century and the spokesperson of the lost generation. Hemingway’s first and probably his most accomplished novel The Sun Also Rises was talked about the life about an unique group of young Americans living in France after the World War I. In this novel, he produced a vivid but controversial female images----the main character “Brett Ashley”. This thesis starts from the feminist theory, combining the background of the novel, and analyses Brett Ashley’s rebellions against the patriarchal society, and reveals the reasons for its failure, and explores the way for women to gain the independence. In the end , the thesis enlightens the modern women. Key words: The Sun Also Rises; feminist; rebellion; failure Table of Contents Abstract (Chinese) ……………….………………………………………………….. I Abstract (English) ……………….………………………………………………….. II 1. Introduction…………….…………………………………………………………. 1 2. An Brief Survey of Feminism and The Sun Also Rise…………………………… 2 2.1 Feminism.……………………..….…. ………………………. …………………... 2 2.2 The Sun Also Rise…………………………..….……………. …………………..... 3 3. An Analysis of Brett Ashley’s Rebellions against the Patriarchal Society……... 4 3.1 Fight?against?Traditional?Conventions?.....……………………………………........ 4 3.2 Emphasis?on?Self-consciousness…………………………... ………………........... 5 3.3 The Pursuit of Love and Happiness ………………………


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