An Analysis of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 英语专业毕业论文.doc

An Analysis of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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An Analysis of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 摘要 《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀一部畅销世界各地的小说。它特殊的历史年代决定了那时的人们过分看重金钱,即使是在对待自己的婚姻大事上。这篇文章通过几位人物对婚姻的抉择,分析了金钱如何影响婚姻的价值取向。 《傲慢与偏见》讲述的是班纳特家的姐妹和她们朋友的故事,以及她们如何寻找自己丈夫的事。毫无疑问,伊丽莎白是简·奥斯汀最喜欢的人物之一,因为她所追求的婚姻是作者心中理想的婚姻。通读全文,我们不难发现金钱是每个细节发生的原因,并是全文发展的主要线索。作者奥斯汀深刻地揭示了物质因素对婚姻和恋爱中男女的关系的影响。众所周知,爱情是婚姻的基础,但是在作者生活的年代背景下,良好的经济基础对婚姻是至关重要的。 作者认为伊丽莎白追求的爱情并不是一种“纯粹的爱情”。她所追求的爱情包含具体而微的因素。首先是一个人的外貌和人品。其次她要的爱情是一种成熟的爱情,包涵关心、责任、尊重和理解。最后,伊丽莎白所追求的爱情中最重要的因素是财产。金钱在爱情与婚姻中扮演着控制者的角色。 关键词:简·奥斯汀;《傲慢与偏见》;婚姻;金钱 Abstract Pride and prejudice is a very popular novel written by Jane Austen and it is read widely all over the world. It was written in 1813. That specific history time decided that people at that time took money much more seriously, even on their marriage. In this paper, the marriage cases of most characters in the book were taken as typical to analyze how money influenced their matrimonial value orientation. The story is about the Bennet sisters and their friends and their search for suitable husband. It is no doubt that Elizabeth is her favorite character, for the marriage Elizabeth pursues is the ideal marriage in the author’s view. After reading through Pride and prejudice, we will find that money acts as the cause of each plot and the clue of its development. Austen deeply discloses the physical reason of the decision of marriage and the relationship between men and women in love. The author considers that the love Elizabeth pursues in not a “pure love”. It contains small but complete factors. It contains appearance and moral quality. And it’s mature love, containing care, responsibility, respect and understanding. The most important factor is money. Money plays the leading role in love and marriage. Key words:Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, marriage Table of Contents 摘要………………………………………………………..……….…….1 Abstract…………………………………………………………….…….2 Table of Contents………………………………………………………...3 Outline…………………………………………………………… Ⅰ.Introduction: Money Dominates Love ………………………...


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