Design configuration for a higher efficiency air conditioning system in large space building.pdf

Design configuration for a higher efficiency air conditioning system in large space building.pdf

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Design configuration for a higher efficiency air conditioning system in large space building

D l Y a b c a A R R 2 A K L S E A I 1 a 1 a t o r d d l t n t b e t s t t 0 hEnergy and Buildings 72 (2014) 167–176 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy and Buildings j ourna l ho me page: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /enbui ld esign configuration for a higher efficiency air conditioning system in arge space building ong Wanga,b,c, Kelvin K.L. Wongb, Hongmei Dua, Jing Qinga, Jiyuan Tub,? Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, 400045, China School of Aerospace, Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University, PO Box71, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia National Centre for International Research of Low-carbon and Green Buildings, Chongqing University, 400045, China r t i c l e i n f o rticle history: eceived 18 April 2013 eceived in revised form 9 November 2013 ccepted 23 December 2013 a b s t r a c t The full air conditioning and the stratified air conditioning designs in large space buildings were inves- tigated based on air flow measurement that pertains to an in-patient hall of a hospital building. We compared and analyzed the indoor comfort parameters such as temperature and air velocity. On the basis of the measurements, we calculated the theoretical load index by solving the model for inner sur- face temperature of the building envelope based on the modified radiant heat transfer method. Usingeywords: arge space building tratified air conditioning nergy saving analysis ir distribution ndoor thermal comfort flow fields and parameters that are generated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the indoor ther- mal comfort when adopting the full air conditioning and the stratified air conditioning designs can be effectively analyzed. And the respective energy saving rate of the two air conditioning design loads in the hall at different


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