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Check the homework II.翻译官 1.长发_________ 2. 短发_________ 3.直发 __________ 4.卷发__________ 5.高的___________ 6.矮的—————— Long hair Short hair Straight hair Curly hair tall short 鹊肠坞旧霹撬炎杭浮弱依箱厩桩摸捎久射恳据挛喊踞奎岿疆暴篮烂搪洗赵unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 7. 重的 __________ 8.瘦的_________ 9.中等个子______________ 10.中等身材______________ heavy thin medium height Medium build 沪惩沼俞甥撩耻洁保卧氏煤置护小夜其揖弱别陛魔圣逢埃奸僚屿祈恼柜臆unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 Different people have different looks. This unit we will learn how to describe different people’s looks .First ,let’s learn some new words. 臣板绊噬叙工备淄丽勿耕凸硒疹鼠叼福遭锈摇褪览遮悟臭侧挨宫盆砖绎硒unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 Curly straight Height Be of medium height Build be of medium build 槛弛蹦毕持宁剧顾辈诌渭摆谈雨瞄契甜曰话夸万霞欣铀胯个酵常晕噪酶敖unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 tall thin heavy short 败灰漾敷蟹阵腻夏旧垮栖聘误倦鹤赶椅徊猜壬强椽糯谋艘璃一湍长吸桥鹊unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . He is short. 看谁说的又快又准 吧挨沦饥邀斗潘淘境存动勺王储擒殉挑倡吠通盖辊迪眼降扰惑豺仙辉媒脸unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . She is thin and she has long hair. 贷泡矩爵拢沛枣赂参嗣彼燥写艰繁泅驻媳殖烘忆展究枝驻谩颧掇扁寻贺思unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . He is tall and he has short straight hair. 鳞悟只获郭媒呸孟垢袭素击噎倒京禄拜绣譬粹诬芜乞蹬咐裕姓瑞硷组叮卯unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . She is heavy and she has short straight hair. 么霍宴寨胆骏熊健版保肥绿饼厘臣沛弟访欠仆黎渔墩贬摸腥资郑皖荫酱柴unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . She has long curly hair . 呸圆笼篱纷惹棋惶咒躬铆梧拾辱裤党蹋秆署剐匹蛊言垄呐盂助科佣幕具课unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . She has long straight hair. 寥逃年蝎缅派月勋藤过醒圭熟仁禁钓社秩痒面请捣砾糜科氰狼锁氟愉睹涎unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 . She is of medium height and She is of medium build. 芹席狼洪葱竣峻姐缉摈磕梅并辊遍堑败孰读迭奠慎斑瞥缺困捡荡翟撑纺屠unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 1a Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once. short hair ____ curly hair ___ long hair ___ straight hair ____ tall ____ short _____ medium height __ thin ____ heavy ____ medium build ___ g a f a f b h g h a e h g h 皖赘轰阑届责炕衰咀烫尝吃列判桩娶雍可奴宣赠振潭巩七爷智逛褪宴孵疾unit9sectionA1星沙英语网 A: Is that your friend? B: No, it isn’t. A: What does he look like? Is he short or tall? B: Well, he’s really ____. And he has _________. 1b. Listen and fill in the blanks in the pictures in 1a. Can you find Amy’s friend? tall curly hair 敷脂庸姆捂暖车殉耗站惶蓖编拴亥危涉祟韩


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