Chapter 词汇学.ppt

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Chapter 词汇学

Review;What are the characteristics of the basic word stock? All national character, stability, productivity, polysemy, collocability. What is the fundamental difference between content and functional words? Content words are numerous, changing, less frequent; Functional words are small in number, stable, more frequent.;Chapter 2;;Outlines 2.1 The Indo-European language family 2.2 Three phases of the historical development 2.3 General characteristics of English 2.4 Foreigh elements in the English vocabulary 2.5 Growth of Contemporary English Vocabulary 2.6 Modes of vocabulary development ;2.1 The Indo-European Language family;The Eastern set:;The Western Set;2.2 Three Phases of the Historical Development ;Old English (450-1150);The first peoples known to inhabit the land were Celts. The Germanic tribes include Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. They were first allies of Celts to fight against Picts and Scots, but then they became new conquerors. Angles, Saxons and Jutes all have their dialects. The Saxons were numerically superior to the Angles, but the latter were influential enough to impose their name on the whole. Old English was almost monogeneous and entirely Germanic with only a few borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian. It was a highly inflected language, of which nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs had complex systems of endings or vowel changes or both.;Characteristics: 1. Small vocabulary (50,000—60,000 ); 2. Small number of borrowings (from Latin and Scandinavian); 3. Vocabulary full of endings. Highly inflected(高度屈折变化): nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs had complex systems of endings or vowel changes.;屈折语屈折语以词形变化作为表示语法关系的主要手段,以印欧语系诸语言为代表,如俄语、英语、法语等 1. 有比较丰富的词形变化,通过词形变化来表示词与词之 间的关系。例如“他”在英语中居于主格的位置是he,处于宾格的 位置是him,“鹅”的单数形式是goose,复数形式是geese。所谓屈折,就是指这类语言的词的内部语音发生了屈折的变化。 2. 一种词形变化的语素可以表示几种不同的语法意义。 例如英语的动词works,其中的词尾s,在这里表明了单数、第三人称、普通体、现在时四个语法意义。一种语法意义,也可以用不同的词形变化表示。比如数的范畴,可以通过外部屈折的方式即加词尾s表示,而有些


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