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Mohr-Coulomb模型论文:桥梁刚性桩复合地基的沉降理论研究及应用 【中文摘要】本文以Biot三维固结理论为依据,考虑初始地应力对初始屈服面的影响、基于修正剑桥模型理论推导了正常自重固结条件下初始孔隙比的计算公式,并编写Fortran子程序为模型设置了初始孔隙比。利用通用有限元软件ABAQUS模拟分析了两种饱和粘性土地基中超孔隙水压力的消散、应力的变化和土体的位移。对两类土体分别采用修正剑桥模型考虑土体的非线性弹性及屈服面变化的塑性并与采用Mohr-Coulomb模型考虑土体的弹塑性结果对比。探讨了土体的固结模式,得出了桩顶沉降随时间的变化曲线。对超孔隙水压力消散模式的研究表明,桩周土中超孔隙水压力的消散在固结过程中可分为两个阶段:①局部扩散阶段,在此阶段桩底附近土体是类似球扩张的渗流;由于桩侧摩擦导致的孔压类似于圆柱锥状扩张。对比沉降时间历程曲线发现此阶段对固结沉降的影响较大;②局部扩散完成之后土体开始沿着竖向渗流,不过此时超孔压已经较小了,对固结沉降的影响较小。对土体的水平位移研究表明:固结作用使土体向桩靠拢,在固结过程中,超孔隙水压力向外消散,而土体则向桩身收缩。 【英文摘要】In this paper, the modified Cam-clay model and Mohr-Coulomb model (as a comparison model) have been employed to simulate the elastic-plastic behavior of soil. Aslo the Biot consolidation theory as the basis of the caculation. Using ABAQUS finite element analysis, the author studied the stress changes, the displacement of soil, the consolidation of the soil, time-history curve of the settlement and the dissipation of excess pore pressure.The study on dissipation of excess pore pressure suggest that the dissipation of excess pore pressure in the consolidation process can be divided into two phases:①Local diffusion stage, at this stage the dissipation of excess pore pressure of soil around bottom of pile is similar to ball expansion, while, the dissipation of excess pore pressure of soil, around pile side, which caused by friction is Similar to the cylindrical cone expansion. Contrast the settlement time-history curve shows that the influence of consolidation settlement is bigger in this stage.②After the local diffusion stage, the dissipation of excess pore pressure of soil turns to vertical, while, the influence of consolidation settlement becomes less, because excess pore pressure becomes smaller.The research on soil horizontal displacement shows that:excess pore pressure is dissipating outward, and soil is shrinking close to pile. 【关键词】Mohr-Coulomb模型 修正剑桥模型 桩-土接触 流固耦合 沉降时间历程 固结 【英文关键词】Mohr-Coulomb modle Mo


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