1Transformer Principle.ppt

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1Transformer Principle

Unit 1 Transformer Principle -----The Transformer on Load;For the moment, a lagging power factor will be considered. The secondary current and the resulting ampere-turns I2N2 will change the flux, tending to demagnetize the core, reduce φm and with it E1. 在这种情况下,需要考虑滞后功率因数。二次侧电流及其总安匝(磁势)I2N2 将改变磁通,对铁芯产生去磁作用,并减小 φm和 由其产生的E1。;Because the primary leakage impedance drop is so low, a small alteration to E1 will cause an appreciable increase of primary current from I0 to a new value of I1 equal to (eq). 因为一次侧漏阻抗压降非常小,所以 E1的微小变化都将导致一次侧电流极大地增加,从I0 增大至一个新值I1=(V1+E1)/(R1+jX1). ;The extra primary current and ampere-turns nearly cancel the whole of the secondary ampere-turns.This being so, the mutual flux suffers only a slight modification and requires practically the same net ampere-turns I0N1 as on no load. 增加的一次侧电流和磁势近似平衡了全部二次侧磁势。这样的话,互感磁通只发生了很小的变化,并且实际上只需要与空载状态下相同的净磁势I0N1 。;The total primary ampere-turns are increased by an amount I2N2 (which is) necessary to neutralize the same amount of secondary ampere-turns . 一次侧总磁势增加了I2N2,它是平衡等量的二次侧磁势所必需的。 ;In the vector equation,I1N1+I2N2=I0N1; alternatively, I1N1=I0N1-I2N2. At full load, the current I0 is only about 5% of the full-load current and so I1 is nearly equal to I2N2/N1. Bearing in mind that E1=E2N1/N2, the input kVA which is approximately E1I1 is also approximately equal to the output kVA,E2I2. 在向量方程I1N1+I2N2=I0N1 中,上式也可写成I1N1=I0N1-I2N2.当电路满载时,空载电流I0约占满载电流的5%,因而I1近似等于I2N2/N1. 由于E1=E2N1/N2,近似等于E1I1 的输入容量也就近似等于输出容量E2I2 .;Neglecting the resistance for the moment, the physical picture will now be considered with reference of Fig.1. The primary current has increased, and with it the primary leakage flux to which it is proportional (has also increased). with it 介词短语做状语,两个it都是指代primary current 此时若忽略电阻,其物理现象变化的图示可参照图1。(满载时,)一次侧电流已增大,随之与它成正比的一次侧漏磁通也会增大。;The total flux linking the primary, Фp=Фm+Ф1=Ф11,is shown unchanged because the total back e.m.f., E1=-N1dФ1/dt is still equal and opposite to V1. 交链一次绕组的总磁通 Фp=Фm+Ф1=Ф11没有变化,这是


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