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PAGE  PAGE 4 2015万卷小专题卷 专题训练——动词短语一 姓名:__________班级:__________考号:__________ 题号一总分得分 、单项选择(本大题共45小题,共100分)  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 Is this your necklace, Mary? I ______ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. A. came across B. dealt with C. looked after D. went for  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 When the sports hero at our party, he was welcomed with open arms. A. turned up B. left off C. moved on D. got away  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 Shakespeare’s writing is still popular today. It has really the test of time. A. failed B. stood C. taken D. conducted  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. A. catch sight of B. get hold of C. take charge of D. make mention of  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 Terry, please your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you. A. look up from B. look into C. look back on D. look through  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 —Dad, I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job. —I see. I’ll go right away and ________. A. pay him back B. pay him off C. put him away D. put him off  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 I’ve been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must be something wrong with the network; I can’t seem to ______. A. get through B. get off C. get in D. get along  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 Ralph W. Emerson would always ______ new ideas that occurred to him. A. set off B. set about C. set up D. set down  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 How could you ______ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months. ?? A. turn off?????????? B. turn in??????????????? C.turn down????????? D. turn to  LISTNUM OutlineDefault \l 3 No matter how carefully you plan your finan


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