师范学院《综合英语》教案 Unit 4-2.docVIP

师范学院《综合英语》教案 Unit 4-2.doc

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Unit 4 Me And My Big Mouth Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 教学课题Unit 4 Me And My Big Mouth施教时间2011.4.27/28教学目标Students will be able to: ? ? master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ? ? learn the way of designing a narrative writing ? ? understand the main idea, structure of the text and the author’s writing style教学难、重点Topic discussion; text analysis; words and expressions教学准备topic教学过程QUESTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION What is your ideal occupation? Why? LANGUAGE POINTS: Get/ be involved in To take part in an activity or event, or to be connected with it in some way E.g. The president was involved in the political scandal. Potential customer A person who may become a customer in the future …while getting your head duplicated… while an exact copy of your head is being made. …is high on the list is near the top of the list. Here it means that “being suffocated by plaster while getting your head duplicated for a toupee display” was one of the worst ways to die. Commercial an advertisement on television or radio E.g. McEnroe has been signed up to do a series of coffee commercials. Tournament A competition in a sport or game in which each player or team plays several matches, and the winner is the one who wins the most matches E.g. Thirty matches were played during the chess tournament, which lasted three weeks. Cf. championship: a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport, especially one that involves several stages or games Shove to push something quickly or carefully into a space or container shove something in/into/under… E.g. He bundled the papers together and shoved them into a drawer. Fire to make someone leave his or her job, especially because he or she has done something wrong or something the employer does not approve of E.g. You couldn’t fire someone for joining a union, but you can if they go on strike. Cf. lay off: to make workers, especially workers in a large factory or


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