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试卷代号:7498 湖南广播电视大学2014年1月开放教育期末考试 英语听说(2)#试题口语测试部分 2013年12月 注 意 事 项 由于口语考试与其他书面考试有一定的区别,为指导监考老师和口试教师正确操作,特提出注意事项如下: 一、考场应设立备考室和考试室:备考室供学生准备口语考试,考试室供进行口语测试。建议两个考室的距离以较近为宜,避免学生因路程过远影响考试情绪。 二、考试老师安排:备考室设监考教师一名,组织学生准备考试,避免漏题,维持备考以及入场考试时的正常秩序。考试室设口试教师两名(必须是英语专业老师),对不同的学生同时进行测试,以节约考试时间。另外,建议每位口试教师分别坐在考室的一角,避免相互干扰和影响。 三、口试时间安排:每个学生15分钟,其中抽签后准备5分钟,正式口试时间约为10分钟。 四、备考方式:考生在备考室监考老师抽签选题后,在备考室准备5分钟,然后由备考室监考老师引至考试室交给口试老师。 五、口试要点:口试教师必须对学生的考试过程进行仔细录音,以备核查。另外,在学生考试过程中,不得给予任何形式的提示,也不得随意打断学生考试,要求从学生的表现入手,结合评分细则给出综合评分,力求做到公平、公正,并填入计分表中,签名后填写考试日期。 考试结束后,请将录音磁带和考卷一并收回。 试卷代号:7498 英语听说(2)试题# 口语测试部分题签 学生用卷 (A) Directions: In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand and use spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions. Part 2 Speak on a topic. Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as your conversation partner. Part 1 Read aloud the part between the stars (*) and then answer the questions the examiner asks you. (60%) Section A Read aloud the part between the stars (*). (20%) There are many kinds of hobbies, both for indoors and outdoors. One of the most popular indoor hobbies is collecting things. People can collect almost anything, such as books, shells, stamps, postcards, coins, records, bottle caps, etc. *When people are asked why they take up a hobby, they often give different reasons. Some say that they feel they ought to do something useful in their spare time. Others talk about self-improvement and the importance of learning something new. Many people say that a hobby gives one an opportunity to do something completely different from one’s usual work. Another reason for taking up a hobby, especially an outdoor hobby, is that it gives one a chance to meet people and make friends. Perhaps the most convincing reason given for taking up a hobby is simply for the p


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