英语:必修5 unit2 the environment-task学案(译林牛津版).pptx

英语:必修5 unit2 the environment-task学案(译林牛津版).pptx

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英语:必修5 unit2 the environment-task学案(译林牛津版)

;1.China joined the convention in 1997 and has taken many steps to stop the process of desertification, including encouraging farmers to build fences (which stop wind from blowing the dirt away),and providing money for people in dry areas to plant more trees and bushes.中国于 1997年加入了该组织,并采取了很多措施以阻止沙漠化的进程,其中 包括鼓励农民建起篱笆(用以防止土壤被风冲走)和向干旱地区的人们提供资金以种植 更多的树林和灌木。 句中 including 为介词,其后的 encouraging和 providing分别引导了动名词短语作介词 including 的宾语。 ▲take steps to do sth.采取步骤以达到某种目的。 The government s taking steps to control the rising unemployment rate. 政府正采取措施,控制不断上升的失业率。 短语链接: watch one’s step 谨慎地做事或行动。; take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事 You’ll be in trouble if you don’t watch your step. We can practice our spoken English step by step. ▲including prep.包括某人/物在内 I have to prepare food for seven people including me. 我必须准备包括我在内的 7 个人的餐点。;;;;It is possible/probable/likely +that?? It is possible to?(不定式充当主语) sth./sb.be likely to do?;;;We’re trying to assess how well the system works. Damage to the building has been assessed. assess sb./sth. as? 某人/某物被评定为??; 估计某人/某物为?? These young men were assessed as ether safe or unsafe drivers. 这些年轻人被评定为谨慎驾驶员和不谨慎驾驶员两类。 I assess your chances as low. 我估计你的机会不大。;;;dnf dnf 抄鬻痋


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