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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This slide shows the three phases of immunoediting. We can call them three “E”s. When the body exposed to some carcinogens, some normal cells may transform to cancer cells. Usually, immune system can eliminate these neoplastic cells by the mechanism of immunosurveillance. If the body’s immune system is not strong enough to eliminate the cancer cells efficiently, and the growth of cancer cells is not too fast, a status of equilibrium will persist until one of two sides has a change. Further, if immune system is injured or cancer cells grow too fast and escape from immunosurveillance, more and more cancer cells are transformed and at the end, the tumor forms. Therefore, how to strengthen the ability of elimination is very important for protecting us from tumor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6. 宿主方面的免疫抑制或缺陷 Hosts receiving the treatment of immunosuppressants (e.g. corticosteroid, cytotoxic drugs) immunodeficiency disease (e.g. HIV infection) 二、知己篇 What is our body’s firewall? Startup the firewall Our immune system Immune organs Immune cells Immune molecules Cancers Immunity vs Death vs Life 魔高一尺,道高一丈 Cell-mediated immunity innate immunity adaptive immunity Humoral immunity Antibody-mediated immunity Anti-tumor cytokines 免疫系统抗肿瘤机制 Innate immunity Natural killer (NK) Mononuclear macrophage TCRγδ+ T cell Neutrophil Natural Killer Cells Do not recognize tumor cell via antigen specific cell surface receptor, but through receptors that recognize loss of expression of MHC I molecules, therefore detect “missing self” common in cancer. Lyze the tumor cells by secreting the perforin and granzyme; Inducing the apoptosis of tumor through the interaction of FasL and Fas; Secreting the cytokines to kill tumor cells Antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity. Anti-tumor effect of NK cells Tumor cell activated Mononuclear macrophage Macrophage mediated tumor cytotoxicity; Antibody dependent cell mediate


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