第五节 情态动词.docx

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第五节 情态动词一、情态动词的主要特征二、主要用法can/could, may/might, must need, dare一、情态动词的主要特征1、He borrows some books from the library.(他常从图书馆借些书。) He can borrow some books from the library.(他可以从图书馆借到一些书。)can, 可以2、I run fast.(我跑得快。) I can’t run fast(我跑得不快。)can’t, 不会,不能3、Must he go now?(他必须现在走吗?)must,必须 Did he go last night?(他昨晚去了吗?)4、They may be there.(他们可能在那儿。)may,可能 They weren’t there.(他们不在那儿。)二、相当于情态动词的几个固定词组had better…(最好……),Shall I(we)…?(我/我们可以这样做吗?)would like(非常想),Will/Would you (please)…?(请你……吗?)used to(过去常常)。例如:It’s late. I’d better go and lood for him.(太迟了。我最好去找他。)You’d better not read books in poor light.(你最好不要在微弱的灯光下看书。)Shall we start the meeting at once?(我们立即开会好吗?)Will you get me some chalk?(你拿些粉笔给我好吗?)Would you like some bananas?(来点香蕉好吗?)三、具体用法 (一)can, could和be able to1、例如:I can speak a little Japanese.(我会说一点儿日语。)She couldn’t speak Chinese when she came to our school last month.(上月她来我校时还不会说中文。)例如:You will be able to talk with the foreign teacher in English next week.(下星期你将能与外国老师用英语交谈了。)My little brother has been able to write.(我的小弟弟已会写字了。)2、例如:Can/May I brother your bike tomorrow?Yes, of course. You can/may use my bike tomorrow.(明天我可以借你的自行车吗?当然可以。明天你可以用我的自行车。)You can’t smoke here.(你不可以在这儿抽烟。)3、例如:He cannot/can’t be there.(他不可能在那儿。)Can this news be true?(这消息可能直实吗?)4、例如:Could/Can you tell me if he will go tomorrow?(你能告诉我他明天是否去吗?)Could/Can I ask you something if you are not busy?(如果您不太忙,我能否问您一些事情?)Could/Can you show me the way to the nearest hospital?(您能给我指一下去最近的医院的路吗?)(二)may和might1、例如:May (can) I use your dictionary for a moment?(我可以借你的字典用一下吗?)May I take these magazines out of the reading room? No, you mustn’t.(我可以把这些杂志带出览室吗?不,不行。)He asked me if he might go then.(他问我他是否可以走了。)2、例如:Where’s John? He may be at the library.(约翰在哪儿?他可能在图书馆。)Mr. Green hasn’t talked with her. He may not know her.(格林先生还未曾与她谈过话,他可能不认识她。)例如:He may be at home.(他可能在家。)Maybe he was at home.(或许他在家。)3、例如:Might (May) I speak to you for a few minutes?(我现在可以与你谈几分钟话吗?)Might I have a photo of your famil


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