Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 导学案.doc

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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 导学案

Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 一堂实验课 核心词汇1.She spent the afternoon_____________(漂浮)on her back in the pool. 2.It is good because it is written in friendly,______________(普通)language. 3.What was Jeff’s______________(反应)when you told him about the job? 4.We’re getting to the ____________(阶段)where we hardly ever go out together. 5.The hotel wants to ____________(扩大)its business by adding a swimming pool. 6.Hearing the news,she felt a strange ____________(混合)of excitement and fear. 7. I’ve got a good sense of____________(平衡)and learnt to ski quite quickly. 8.My father caught me and gave me a long____________ (演讲)about the dangers of drinking. 9.We talked late into the night,but nothing was____________,because it was hard for us to draw a____________.(conclude). 10.To our____________,he was not ____________ at the ____________news, but it really__________his parents.(astonish) 【高频短语1.___________按顺序排列……;使……有条理 2.___________ 在……的顶部/底部 3.___________ 往……加入…… 4.___________ 不让……入内 5.___________ 控制;保留 6.___________ 进行;(表示准许)请做(说……)吧 7.___________ 过去(常常)…… 8.___________ 在……领域 9.___________ 为……感到骄傲/自豪 10.__________ 理应;应当 重点句式1._____________the earth’s surface ______________water. 地球表面三分之二是水。 2.The earth is ____________the moon. 地球比月球大49倍。 3.When we use metals,____________ to know how they____________different substances,____________,water and oxygen. 使用金属时,我们要了解金属和不同的物质(例如水和氧)如何发生反应,这一点很重要。 4.____________a table with the metals that ____________,and the metals that____________. 下面是一张金属反应表,列于顶部的金属反应最剧烈,下部的则最缓慢。 5.____________the tube for one week. 把试管放置一个星期。 6.It’s getting_____________! 天越来越亮了! 7.____________you are,____________you’ll see. 你靠得越近,看到的就越多。 8.____________,seven Canadian scientists____________the Nobel Prize! 在过去的20年里,有七位加拿大科学家已获得诺贝尔奖! 知识详解① expand  vi. 膨胀  vt. 扩大,扩充 (回归课本P41)When you heat a metal,it expands.当你加热金属时,它就会膨胀。 【归纳总结】 expand sth.使……膨胀,扩大 expand on/upon sth.详述,充分叙述 expansion n.扩张,膨胀 ① Metals expand when they are heated.金属受热会膨胀。 ②As children grow o


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