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第七讲 从句 一、名词从句 1. 主语名词从句 * * Grammar 语法 在复合句中担当主语、宾语、表语和同位语的从句分别称为主语从句(subject clause),宾语从句(object clause),表语从句(predicative clause)和同位语从句(apposition clause)。 这些从句统称为名词从句(noun clause)。 这些从句由关联词(connective)引导,这些关联词主要有三类: 主从连词:that(无词义), whether(是否), if(是否) 连接代词:who(谁), whom(谁), whose(谁的), what(什么), which(哪一个,哪一些) 连接副词:when(什么时候), where(什么地方), why(为什么), how(怎样) That the moon moves round the earth is well known to all of us. 月球环绕地球转动,这是我们大家都熟知的。 What they are after is profit. 他们追求的是利润。 When the meeting is to be held has not yet been decided. 会议什么时候召开还没有决定。 Whether she will join us won’t make too much difference. 她是否参与我们的活动无关紧要。 Which way is more effective is still a question. 哪种办法效率更高还是个问题。 按照英语的习惯,有些句子可以把it放在句首,作形式主语,而将主语从句放在后面。 It is well known to all of us that the moon moves round the earth. It has not yet been decided when the meeting is to be held. It won’t make too much difference whether she will join us. It is still a question which way is more effective. 1. 主语从句 2. 宾语从句 We know that a parrot can’t really speak. 我们知道鹦鹉不会真的说话。 He wants to tell us what he thinks. 他想告诉我们他所想的事情。 A little observation will show how the temperature changes. 稍加观察就可以看出温度是怎样变化的。 Up to now we can’t say whether his theory can stand the test. 到目前为止我们还不能说他的理论是否经得住考验。 She asked the teacher why some words were hard to remember. 她问老师为什么有些字很难记住。 3. 表语从句 One idea is that fish is the best brain food. 有一种看法认为鱼是最好的补脑食品。 My question is how information is stored in the long-term memory. 我的问题是信息是怎样储存在长时记忆中的。 This was just when our company was being formed. 这正是我们公司成立的时候。 That’s why we decided to put the discussion off. 这就是我们决定推迟讨论的原因。 Raw material is what we are badly in need of. 我们急需的是原料。 China is not what it used to be. 中国不是过去的样子了。 4. 同位语从句 主语中有些词义比较抽象的名词,如belief, doubt, evidence, idea, fact, hope, possibility, thought等,可以用that或连接代词引出的从句作同位语,叫做同位语从句。 There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit from heart surgery. 毫无疑问,有许多人得益于心脏外科手术。 I have


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