主谓一致 21.ppt

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主谓一致 21

主谓一致 Teacher:wang bo Grade 1Class 2 2.More than one student ___ _late this morning. Agreement (主谓一致) Three principles(主谓一致三原则) Grammar Agreement (语法一致) Meaning Agreement(意义一致) Adjacent Agreement(就近一致) Grammar Agreement 语法一致的原则: 谓语动词和它的主语在语法形式上必须取得一致。 Grammar Agreement 典 型 情 况 归 纳 Grammar Agreement 不 定 代 词 作 主 语 Grammar Agreement “each, every, no,many a或more than one” 所修饰的单数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式 Meaning Agreement 意义一致的原则: 谓语动词和它的主语在具体意义上必须取得一致。 Meaning Agreement 典 型 情 况 归 纳 Meaning Agreement  集体名词 Meaning Agreement 表示 时间 距离 金钱 重量 容量 的复 名词 作主 语 Meaning Agreement 两 个 并 列 主 语 Meaning Agreement “trousers” 等复 数形 式的 名词 作主 语 Meaning Agreement 主语 后跟 有“with” 等引 导的 词组 作定 语 Meaning Agreement 根据 具体 语境 和说 话人 的意 思确 定单 复数 Adjacent Agreement 就近一致原则: 谓语动词和最靠近它的主语单复数取得一致 Adjacent Agreement 典 型 情 况 归 纳 Adjacent Agreement “there be”句型 Adjacent Agreement “either A or B”等 作 主 语 的 情 况 The End * * 1.Everything ___ ready. 3.My family ____ a large one. My family ____ sitting at the breakfast table. 4. Two hundred kilometers ___ _a long way. 5.The director and actor ____working now. The director and the actor ____ working now. 6. There ___ a pair of shoes under the bed. My shoes ____ under the bed. 7.The woman with a red bag in her hand ___ my aunt. 9.There _____a pen and many books on the desk. There ___ many books and a pen on the desk. 10. Neither you nor I ___ right. Warming-up exercise is was is are is is are is are is 8.I hope that all ____ _well.( go) goes is are am For example: I _____ a student and you _____ a student, too. But he _____ a teacher. I _____(like) reading books but my sister _____ (like) listening to music. am are is like likes 不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 “each, every, no, many a 或more than one” 所修饰的 单数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。 不定代词(something, somebody, someone, anything, anybody, anyone, nothing, nobody, no one, everything, everybody, everyone, etc.)作主语,谓语动词用单数形式


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