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1.glance vi. 扫视;匆匆一看(常与down, up, over, along, through等连用) ①He glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky. 他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。 ②The personnel manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants. 人事部经理浏览了一下申请人名单。 ③He glanced through/over the newspaper. 他浏览了一下报纸。 知识拓展 glance n. 一瞥;匆匆一看 ①I gave her a glance. 我看了她一眼。 ②He saw at a glance that she was coming. 他一眼就看到她来了。 at a glance 乍看之下;一看就……;at (the) first glance第一眼就……;take/give a glance at...对……瞥一眼 词语辨析 glance, glare与stare 这三个词都表示“看”,均和介词at搭配使用。 1)glance作“看一眼”解,指正在做某事时或匆忙之中迅速看一眼。 On the bus I always manage to glance at the headlines in the newspaper. 在公共汽车上我总是能看一眼报纸的大标题。 2)glare作“怒视”解,指带着愤怒或威胁的神情,使人有一种恐怖感。 ①They didnt fight, but they still glared at each other. 他们并未打架,但还是怒目对视。 ②I advanced a step or two and glared defiance at him. 我向前走了一两步,用轻蔑的目光怒视着他。 3)stare作“瞪着眼看”解,特别指带着惊奇、羡慕、敌视或害怕的神情睁大眼睛看。 ①Children should be taught not to stare at the handicapped people. 应该教育孩子们不要盯着残疾人看。 ②The children stared at the apples on the table. 孩子们目不转睛地看着桌子上的苹果。 即学即用 He sat ________ into sky, thinking deeply. A.staring     B.glancing C.glaring D.seeing 答案:A 句意为:他坐那里凝望着天空,陷入了沉思。 2.cater vi. 满足要求;迎合;投合(与to连用) cater for 满足……要求 ①TV programmes usually cater for all tastes. 电视节目通常满足各种不同趣味的要求。 ②Some tabloid newspapers cater to low tastes. 有些小型报纸迎合低级趣味。 ③The restaurant made every effort to cater for the need of the customers. 这家餐馆尽最大努力满足顾客的需求。 即学即用 We also ________ wedding and parties. You can hold your wedding ceremony here. A.cater for B.cater to C.admit D.satisfy 答案:A 3.expense n.[C,U]费用,支出;代价 ①What are the expenses of moving house? 搬家的费用是多少? ②He finished the job at the expense of his health. 他以牺牲健康为代价完成这项工作。 ③He hired a plane, regardless of expense. 他不惜代价,租了一架飞机。 知识拓展 at the expense of由……付费,由……负担费用;以……为代价 put sb. to the expense of(doing)sth.使某人花钱(做)某事 spare on expense不惜代价 特别提示 expense(费用), income(收入),fortune(财产)等谈其多少,不用much或little,而用large或small。 [译]他的花费/收入/财产比他妻子的多。 [误]His expense/income/fortune is more than his wifes. [正]His expen


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