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2007 5 5 : 1000-6788( 2007) 05-0101-05 吴 俊, 谭跃进, 邓宏钟, 朱大智 ( , 410073) : . , . 2 , , . , 117 , , 117 , . : ; ; ; ; : N949 : A Heterogeneity of Sc le-free Network Topology WU Jun, TAN Yue-jin, DENG Hong-zhong, ZHU D-zhi ( Dep rtment of M n gement, School of Inform tion System nd M n gement, N tion l University of Defense T echnology, Ch ngsh 410073, Chin ) Abstract: The heterogeneity of sc le-free network topology is studied using network structure entropy ( NSE) . NSE of sc le-free networks is presented n lytic lly by introducing degree-r nk function. It is shown th t NSE of sc le- free networks is only dependent of the sc ling exponent nd independent of the size or the minimum degree of networks when sc ling exponent is gre ter th n 2. Given the size nd the minimum degree of sc le-free networks, it is shown th t NSE re ched minimum v lue when sc ling exponent is bout equ l to 117 nd then NSE incre ses with incre sing sc ling exponent fter the minimum v lue. Key words : sc le-free networks; heterogeneity; degree distribution; degree sequence; network structure entropy 1 , , , [ 1, 2] [ 3] [ 4] . , , , . , . , [5] [ 6] , . 1959 ErdÊs R†nyi ( ER ) , . , , , Poisson , . , , . 1998 W tts Strog tz[ 3] ( WS ) , , , , . 1999 , A.-L. [ 7] B‚r b si , , - K / 0, (p ( k ) ~ k ) . A.-L. B‚r b s : 2006-03-20 : (


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