男性与女性消费心理 (2).ppt

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女性的消费行为和男性心理上区别 Womens consumer behavior and psychological differences between men 一、男性消费心理 Male consumer psychology 1.动机形成迅速、果断,具有较强的自信性 男性的个性特点与女性的主要区别之一就是具有较强理智性、自信性。他们善于控制自己的情绪,处理问题时能够冷静地权衡各种利弊因素,能够从大局着想。有的男性则把自己看作是能力、力量的化身,具有较强的独立性和自尊心。这些个性特点也直接影响他们在购买过程中的心理活动。 Personality characteristics of men and women is one of the main differences between a strong sense of self-confidence of the. They are good at controlling their emotions, dealing with problems to weigh all pros and cons calmly, to proceed from the overall sake. Some men put themselves as the ability of the embodiment of strength, independence and strong self-esteem. These personality characteristics have a direct impact on their mental activity in the buying process. .动机形成迅速、果断,具有较强的自信性 因此,动机形成要比女性果断迅速,并能立即导致购买行为,即使是处在比较复杂的情况下,如当几种购买动机发生矛盾冲突时,也能够果断处理,迅速作出决策。特别是许多男性不愿“斤斤计较”,购买商品也只是询问大概情况,对某些细节不予追究,也不喜欢花较多的时间去比较、挑选,即使买到稍有毛病的商品,只要无关大局,也不去计较。 Therefore, the motivation for the formation of rapid and decisive than women, and can immediately lead to purchase behavior, even in complex situations, such as when several conflicts happened when purchasing motivation, but also to deal decisively and quickly make decisions. In particular, many men do not want to preoccupied, to purchase goods only asked about the situation on the details, not to pursue, do not like to spend more time to compare, choose, buy a little wrong with the goods even if unrelated to The overall situation, not to care.     2.购买动机具有被动性 就普遍意义讲男性消费者不如女性消费者经常料理家务,照顾老人、小孩,因此,购买活动远远不如女性频繁,购买动机也不如女性强烈,比较被动。在许多情况下,购买动机的形成往往是由于外界因素的作用,如家里人的嘱咐、同事朋友的委托、工作的需要等等,动机的主动性、灵活性都比较差。我们常常看到这样情况,许多男性顾客在购买商品时,事先记好所要购买的商品品名、式样、规格等,如果商品符合他们的要求,则采取购买行动,否则,就放弃购买动机。 Common sense to say consumers often female than male consumers housework, care for the elderly, children, therefore, frequently buying activity is far less than women, women not as strongly motivated to buy, more passive. In many cases, the purchase of the formation of motivation is often due to the


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