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Five years ago, my parents were out of work. I have to drop out of school. Then I made the choice to find a job to earn money to support myself and my whole family. I told my idea to my parents, they agreed with me at last. Now I have a wonderful job and I can earn a good salary. Sometimes I give extra money away to charities for children in poor countries who need help. I feel very good. I am aware that there are lots of people in the world who need help. I’ll try my best to give money as much as I can although I am not very rich now. 1. earn vt. 挣得; 赢得 ◆搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。 (1)earn one’s living______________________ (2)earn one’s own living_________________ (3)earn a fortune________________________ ■运用:用earn翻译下列句子。 (1)他利用晚上工作,已经挣了好多钱。 He ______________________ by working in the evenings. (2)他的诚实得到了朋友们的赞扬. ______________________ the admiration of his friends. (3)她担任一名兼职秘书来谋生. She _________________ as a part—time secretary. 核心单词 谋生 自食其力 赢得财富 has earned a lot of money His honesty earned earned a living 核心单词 2. determine vt. 确定;决定 ◆搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。 (1)determine to do sth.____________________________ (2)determine on/upon (doing) sth.________________________ (3)determine sb. to do sth._____________________________ (4)determine sb. against doing sth.______________________ (5)be determined to do sth___________________________ ■运用:用相关短语翻译下列句子。 (1)他决定致力于当地的教育事业. He __________________________________devote himself to the local educational cause. (2)他们决定早点出发. They _______________________________an early start. (3)老师的建议使她决定从事写作。 The teacher’s suggestion _____________________ take up writing. (4)那件事使他决定不再离开家了。 That determined her _________________home. 决定做某事 决定(做)某事 使某人决定做某事 使某人决定不做某事 决定或有决心做某事 was determined to/determined to determined that they’d make determined her to against leaving ★拓展: 写下列单词或指出各词组的汉语意思。 (1) _______________ n. 决定,决心 (2)a written statement of determination_______________ (3)a man of determination _________________________ (4)a matter fo


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