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15.(2009·合肥质量检测) So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, dying soon after birth. A.many of which B.many of whom C.many of them D.many of that  解析 考查独立主格结构。由后面的dying可知这 里不是完整的句子。 C 16. (2009·江苏常州模拟)— What made you so delighted at Christmas?  — . A.I received many more presents than others B.Because my parents promised me a new car C.My uncle’s coming back from abroad D.As there was an unusual celebration  解析 句意为:——在圣诞节什么事让你这么高 兴?——我叔叔从国外回来。第一句中what作主 语,用来回答它的只能是名词、代词、不定式或 动名词。A、B、D是句子,只有C是动名词短语, 符合语法要求。 C 17.(2009·皖南八校联考) it with me should be a good choice.Trust me. A.When left B.Leaving C.If you leave D.Leave  解析 句意为:把它留给我应该是一个很好的选 择。相信我。动名词短语作主语。故选B。 B 18. (2009·大连模拟) the poem a second time,the meaning will become clearer to you. A.Your having read B.While reading C.If reading D.When you read  解析 句意为:当你第二次读这首诗的时候, 它的意思就会变得更清晰了。由于主句的主语是 the meaning,它不能作read的逻辑主语,所以B 和C都不对,只有D符合题意要求。 D 19.(2009·皖南八校模拟)The transportation will improve a lot in Shunchang,with two new roads in the near future. A.being constructed B.to construct C.to be constructed D.constructing  解析 “with+宾语+to do”作伴随状语,时间状 语是in the near future,所以用不定式表将 来,根据句意要用被动语态。 C 20. (2009·绍兴一中模拟) money,it remains to be seen whether we can put the idea into practice. A.Lacking B.Lacked C.To lack D.Having lacked  解析 句意为:由于缺钱,我们能否把这个主意 付诸实践还有待观察。lacking money是分词短 语作状语。 A 21. (2008·重庆八月中考) in a famous university is what most students wish for. A.To educate B.Educated C.Being educated D.Educating  解析 该结构的逻辑主语是下文中的“most students”,所以应用被动形式,又由句子结构 分析,空格部分在句中作主语,故只能选C。 C 3.(2009·潍坊二次质检)Dinosaurs have


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