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第7 卷 第3 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol.7 No.3 2007 年6 月 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Jun.2007 :1671-1637(2007)03-0100-06 1 1 1 2 马永锋 , 陆 键 , 项乔君 ,魏连雨 (1.,  210096;2.,  300312)  :为使公路网静态 优出行路径能综合表达道路环境影响因素与出行者的路径选择偏好,研 究了 IS 环境下的用户-系统 优出行路径决策模式。基于层次分析法,构建了综合考虑行程时 间、舒适安全性与行程费用的公路网路段交通阻抗评价指标体系,提出了对定性与定量化参评指标 进行综合一致性处理的方法。通过用户-系统共同决定的路段交通阻抗的综合评价过程,将 优路 径问题转化为 短路径问题,采用各路段各出行目标的标准化值之和作为评价指标, 采用 Dijkstra 算法实现 优路径的搜索。实例验证结果表明: 优路径比距离 短路径出行距离增加8%, 出行 时间减少7%,舒适安全性提高17%, 出行费用增加13%,所得 优路径是针对特定用户的多目标 路径, 明显异于单目标 短路径,表明该方法可行。 :交通工程;出行者信息系统;公路网; 优路径;出行决策;交通阻抗;路阻 :U491.1   :A Optimal route arithmetic withmultigoalsin highway network basedontravel decision-making 1 1 1 2 Ma Yong-feng , Lu Jian , Xiang Qiao-jun , Wei Lian-yu (1.School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China; 2.School of Civil Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300312, China) Abstract:To synthetically consider the correlative influence factors of road environment and special users desires of optimal route selection in the static optimal route search with multigoals in highway network, user-system decision-making model of optimal route search under IS environment was studied.Based on AHP theory, the evaluation indices system of link impedance was presented involving travel time, safety, comfort and travel expenditure, and the methods of standardized process for the indices were raised.T hrough the synthetical evaluation process of link impedance determined by user-system, the optimal route problem was transformed into the short


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