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《计算机应用基础》期末练习试题(11级)(国外英文资料) Question 1 0 In the following statements, _____ can invoke the Sub process. A. IF b. Call c. Call C. For d. Dim Answer: B Second question 0 In the HTML document, use the... attribute of the BODY tag to set the text color of the entire page. A. FACE b. COLOR c. TEXT d. COLOR Answer: C The third question 0 To make the following text Web pages bold, fill in the missing section (2 Spaces filling in the same content). P ... Web page / ______ / _ A. SUP C. Answer: D Number 4 0 The following simple HTML documents, shown in the browser, are... HTML  the HEAD TITLE simple HTML document / TITLE / HEAD  The BODY lt; HTML; gt; The / BODY The / HTML HTML B. C. simple HTML document. HTML; gt; Answer: B 5 0 Use the tag FONT to set the text property, the default value of the literal size (also known as the default value) for... A. 1 b. c. c. d. d. Answer: B Number 6 0 To make the title computer programming right-aligned, the ALIGN attribute should be ______. H1 ALIGN = ... computer program design / H1 A. center b. left C. right d. width Answer: C Question 7 0 Lets say that x is equal to ABCdefg, and then the function is Right (x, 3), 1, 2). A. b. c. d. Answer: B 8 the topic 0 Set x = ABCabcdABCD, s = AB, and after the following statement, the value of the variable y is _____. Y = Len (x) - Instr (3, x, s) A. five b. one c. three d. four Answer: C Question 9 0 In the following identifier,... can be used as a valid VBScript variable name. A. you_b. your name b. your name c. your name d. false Answer: A, Question 10 0 To produce a random integer (including 50 and 60), use... expressions. A. Int (10 * Rnd + 50) B. Int (11 * Rnd + 50) C. Int (60 * Rnd) D. Int (50 * Rnd + 11) Answer: B Question 11 0 Which of the following statements can make the variable x plus 1? A. document.write (x = x + 1) b. x = 1 C. document.write (x + 1) d. x = x + 1 Answer: D Number 12 0 Set x = 100, when the following statement is executed, the ou


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