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.hk/tc/j3/useful-material 新生入學成績 ﹝中位數及四分三位數﹞ 現在院校的面試形式越來越多樣化包括筆試、大型小組討論、小組簡報。有部分課程則會以參觀校園、問答環節等形式,來代替傳統的個人或小組面試。 由於每個課程的面試內容都不一樣,可能是時事新知、個人興趣、個案分析等,同學都不可能一一擬定標準答案,所以就要倚重平日的積累和臨場的面試技巧了 大學聯招面試技巧 http://www.student.hk/study/strategy/005.php 大學聯招面試技巧 試前積累 了解課程內容 留意時事及行業狀況 面試語言準備 臨場發揮 歸納重點 以事例論述 善於發揮題目 虛心請教 談吐舉止 應禮貌端正 衣著合適 外觀整潔 準備問題 面試技巧 中六及中七級會 : 講者陳方安生女士 小組面談 : 十月份開始 星期五早上 Selection interviews will be conducted throughout the year at CUHK for the 2012 intake in view of the much larger candidature. Candidates will be invited for interviews either in the first term of the 2011/12 academic year, or in the second term after the completion of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examinations, or after the release of HKDSE results. Candidates attending interviews at different times of the year will be considered on the same footing for admission. Interview plans of specific programmes will be uploaded for reference in due course. .hk/oafa/index.php/jupas/jupas-4-year-cohort/faq 面試 非學術範疇上的卓越表現 體育 音樂 社會服務 其他文化活動或領袖才能 5 校長推薦計劃 最低要求: 校內考試全科合格 向校長申請 履歷表 截止日期: 08/05/2012 大學聯招辦法 ? 四年制課程 ? 日程 ? 重要日程 重要日程 .hk Mid-late Oct ? Receipts of Personal JUPAS Login 25th Oct ? Starting date of application submission 30th Nov ? Submission of “SLP Self account – 1000 words” + “OEA addition Info – 300 words” 9th Dec ? School Deadline for application submission + payment for JUPAS* 12th Dec ? Submit certificates of “other academic results”* to HrT for verification JUPAS Payment method (to be completed on / before application submission) 大學聯招辦法 ? 四年制課程 ? 申請事項 ? 申請程序 ? 遞交申請 ? 申請費 $ 420 Certificates verification for “Other Academic Results” (12th Dec ? HrT) Academic Results other than HKDSE: GCE O Level / AS Level / A Level GCSE HKALE HKCEE IELTS (Academic Level) IGCSE Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) TOEFL *Chinese and / or English and / or Other Languages Music Qualifications: The Associate Board of the Royal Schools of Mu


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