Decentralized Trust Management-英文文献.pdf

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Decentralized Trust Management-英文文献

Decentralized Trust Management Matt Blaze Joan Feigenbaum Jack Lacy ATT Research Murray Hill NJ fmabjflacy gresearchatt com Abstract lectively to these comp onents of network services as the trust management pr oblem Although certain asp ects We identify the trust management problem as a dis of trust management are dealt with satisfactorily by ex tinct and important component of security in network isting services in sp ecialized ways that are appropriate services Aspects of the trust management problem in to those services eg the PGP secure email system clude formulating security policies and security creden allows users to create security credentials by binding tials determining whether p articular sets of creden their IDs to their public keys the trust management tials satisfy the relevant policies and deferring trust to problem has not previously b een identied as a gen third parties Existing systems that support security in eral problem and studied in its own right The goal of networked applications including X and PGP ad this pap er is to identify the problem and to take the dress only narrow subsets of the overal l trust manage rst step toward a comprehensive approach to solving ment problem and often do so in a manner that is ap it that is indep endent of any particular application or pr opriate to only one application This paper presents service a comprehensive approach to trust management based To address trust management p er se as opp osed to on a simple language for specifying trusted actions and the


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