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Module 5 Unit 1 We’re having a party. They are having a party. He is playing the piano. She is playing the drums. He is clapping. clap【??cl?p】 拍手 v. He is singing a song. They are having a party. And it’s a surprise party. 【s???praiz】 出乎意料的 adj. What’s happening now? 【?h?p?n】发生 v. Questions 1.What day is today? 2.What is Amy doing? 3.What is Tom doing? 4.What is Sam doing? 5.What are mothers doing? Why? Read in groups Follow the video Answer questions Fill in blanks Questionsanswers (1)What day is today? Today is Mother’s Day. (2)What is Amy doing? She’s playing the piano. (3)What is Tom doing? He’s singing. (4)What is Sam doing? He’s playing the drums. (5)What are mothers doing? Why? They’re clapping.Because they’re happy. It’s . Sam, Amy ,Lingling and Tom are . Tom is . Amy is . Sam is . Mothers are . They are very . Mother Day having a party singing playing the piano playing the drums clapping happy Mother Day having a party singing playing the piano playing the drums clapping happy 1. I ________(do) my homework. 2.You___________(make) a cake now. 3.It____ _______(swim) in the water. 4.Listen!She__________(play)the piano. 5.Becareful!A car__________(come)over. 6.Look!They__________(run) 100 metres. am doing are making is swimming is playing is coming are running 现在进行时 1.现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作。 2.现在进行时结构:be+动词ing形式(现在分词) 3.变化规则 1.)动词原形加-ing形式.如happening,jumping 2.)以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing 如take-taking,make-making 3.)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加-ing clap-clapping,run-running verbpresent participle 1.wash 2.stop 3.walk 4.write 5.put 6.take 7.laugh 8.come 9.run 10.eat washing stopping walking writing putting taking laughing coming running eating 洗 停 走 写 放 拿 笑 来 跑 吃 TIME Mother Father 6:00 AM She is ...... He is ...... 7:00 AM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Whats your mother/father doing? Whats


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