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模块2 必修2

* Jaycee?Chan, is addicted to drugs , because cannabis (大麻)and crack cocaine are addictive . [k?n?bis] [kr?k] [k??kein] a powerfully addictive drug [‘ pa??f?l?] [?diktiv] Michael Phelps 迈克尔·菲尔普斯 兰斯·阿姆斯特朗 Lance Armstrong Phelps was found using cannabis at a party. Armstrong was addicted to drugs, too. Taking drugs makes them lose much money and even their fame(名誉). Group Discussion (小组讨论) What are the bad effects of taking drugs? What would you say to drug addicts? Module 2 Reading and vocabulary Learning objectives(学习目标): By the end of the class, I will be able to 1.重点词汇和短语 addictive, danger, drug addict, drug dealer, heart attack, heart rate, inject, needle, powerful, reduce, break into, nearby 2. know more about the danger of drugs to health and society; 3. speak out my opinion of anti-drug. Task Launch a school anti-drug proposal 发起学校禁毒倡议 Yes To Life, No To Drugs. I. Fast reading Turn to Page12 and choose the best titles for the two articles. Article 1 Article 2 A Drug Addict and His Story B. Dangerous Activities of Teenagers C. The Dangers of Using Cocaine A Drug Addict and His Story The Dangers of Using Cocaine Adam Rouse Article 1 Article 2 2, 3, 5, 6 1, 4 Read Parts 1-6 silently and decide which article they belong to. smoke cocaine Part 1 A. He took the doctors advice; he is good now. Part 2 B. He had to steal something every day; he was taken to the police station. Part 3 C. how to pay for his addiction Part 4 D. He didn’t have enough money for the drugs; he was in terrible pain. Part 5 E. Crack cocaine is highly addictive. Part 6 F. the harm of using cocaine E D C F B A Read parts 2,3,5,6 and put Adam’s life in the right order: a. He was taken to the police station. b. The drug dealer asked him for a lot of mon


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