物流英语 unit 2 Supply Chain Management.ppt

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物流英语 unit 2 Supply Chain Management

To understand the complexity of inter-firm and intra-firm coordination in implementing programs such as e-collaboration, quick response, jointly. To develop the ability to design logistics systems and formulate integrated supply chain strategy, so that all components are not only internally synchronized but also tuned to fit corporate strategy, competitive realities and market needs. Unit 2 Supply Chain Management Key words globalization 全球化 distribution 分发,分配 warehousing 仓储 outsourcing strategy 外包战略 infrastructure 公共建设,基础建设 shipment 装船,出货 regional 地区性的,地域性的 RFID 电子标签 New words and terms extended 伸出的,延长的,长期的 automatically 无意识地,机械地,自动地 chain 链,连锁,束缚 pharmaceutical 强制使用,征用,命令征用 integrate 整合,使……成整体 deliver 投递,传送,运送 expertise 专长,专门知识和技术 generate 造成,引起 barcode 条码 associated 联合的 interchangeable 可互换的 coordinate 协调,调节,使调和 asset 资源 infrastructure 基础结构 in terms of 依据 research and development 研究与开发 The Role of Supply Chain Management The supply chain is the linked activities associated with providing material from the raw material stage to the end of user as a finished good. The supply point is a location where suppliers, services and materials are located and issued. The supply chain management(SCM) is the process of planning , implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain as efficiently as possible. The term the supply chain management was coined by the consultant, Keith Oliver, of strategy consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton in 1982. Who was the first one using the term the supply chain management ? The definition one American professional association put forward is that SCM encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics management activities. Some experts distinguish SCM from logistics, while others consider the terms to be interchangeable. It is only few years that the firms have started to focus on logistics and SCM as a source of competi


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