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Clip 4 Determined to succeed on her own, Elle studies hard and wins an internship with Professor Callahan, as do Warner and Vivian. They will work with Callahan to defend Brooke Taylor Windham, a famous fitness instructor. (2’58’’) Part 1 Watching Testing Yourself 验尸官 coroner n. 豪宅 mansion n. 潜伏 lurk v. 实习生 intern n. 一女生联谊会名称 Delta Nu (法律) 审理 trial n. (女子) 娘家姓 maiden name (法律) 为 辩护 defend v. (生化) 内啡肽 endorphin n. 死尸 stiff n. 藏匿 stash v. 以美色骗取男人钱财的女人 gold digger n. 专题广告片 infomercial n. Word Bank Part 1 Watching Testing Yourself …… Part 1 Watching Testing Yourself Watch the clip and then one question will be asked about it. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given below (1 point). Task 1 1. Why is Elle so excited? A) Because she is chosen as one of the interns. B) Because she can work together with Werner. C) Because she can do some shopping now. D) Because she is awarded a prize for her work. √ B) On infomercials. D) In gymnasiums. Part 1 Watching Testing Yourself Watch the clip again and pay attention to details. Then some questions will be asked about it. Choose the best answer to each question from the four choices given below (4 points). Task 2 2. Where can you buy Brooke’s exercise tapes? A) At bookstores. C) In sports clubs. 3. Why does Elle think Brooke is amazing? A) Because Brooke is proved to be a great fitness instructor. B) Because Brooke can make people lose weight very quickly. C) Because Brooke used to teach at the Los Angeles Sports Club. D) Because Brooke graduated with honors four years before her. √ √ B) Harvard Law Research D) Harvard Law Review Part 1 Watching Testing Yourself 4. Emmett Richmond was the former editor of __________. A) Harvard Law Studies C) Harvard Law Association 5. Why doesn’t Elle think Brooke could have killed her husband? A) Because she thinks Brooke is a happy person. B) Because she believes Brooke didn’t have a gun


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