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Jane Austen (1775-1817) Contents Jane Austen’s Life Master Works Austen’s World and Style Pride and Prejudice Emma Life Jane Austen’s Life Austen’s Home Master Works Sense and Sensibility (1811) 《理智与情感》 Pride and Prejudice (1813)《傲慢与偏见》 Mansfield Park (1814 《曼斯菲尔德花园》) Emma (1816) 《爱玛》 Northanger Abbey (1818) 《诺桑觉寺》 Persuasion (1818) 《劝导》 Austen’s works 短篇小说 《苏珊夫人》(Lady Susan) 未完成的作品 《沃森一家》(The Watsons) 《桑迪顿》(Sanditon) 其他作品 Sir Charles Grandison Plan of a Novel Austen’s works 少年时期的作品 – 第一卷[1] Frederic Elyria Jack Alice Edgar Emma Henry and Eliza The Adventures of Mr. Harley Sir William Montague Austen’s works Memoirs of Mr. Clifford The Beautiful Cassandra Amelia Webster The Visit The Mystery The Three Sisters A beautiful description The generous Curate Ode to Pity Austen’s works 少年时期的作品 – 第二卷 Love and Friendship Lesley Castle The History of England A Collection of Letters The female philosopher The first Act of a Comedy Austen’s works A Letter from a Young Lady A Tour through Wales A Tale 少年时期的作品 – 第三卷 Evelyn Catharine, or the Bower Austen’s World Paradox in Austen’s novels,She restricted her subject matter to a narrow range of society and events: a quiet, prosperous, middle-class circle in provincial surroundings. However, she treated this material with such subtlety of observation , depth of psychological penetration and delicacy of touch that she is ranked among the best of English novelists. Austen’s World Austen’s time, social status was determined by a combination of family background, reputation, and wealth—marriage was one of the main ways in which one could raise one’s social status. Austen’s main literary concern: human beings in their personal relationships, particularly preoccupied with the relationship between men and women in love. Austen’s Style Austen was a writer of the 18th-century: she holds the ideals of the landlord class in politics, religion and moral principles; and her work show clearly her firm belief in the predominance(优势) of


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