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备课优选 5. When the teacher came in, the children pretended ______ attentively. A. reading B. to be read C. being reading D. to be reading D 句意:当老师进来的时候,孩子们假装在认真读书。pretend后跟不定式结构,此处表示正在进行的动作,故用其进行时态,答案为D。 备课优选 6. Ladies and gentlemen, please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the_______ of the actors and actresses. A. behavior B. function C. display D. performance D 句意:先生们,女生们,请确保演员演出时关闭所有的手机。performance,“演出”,符合句意。behavior,“行为;举止”;function,“功能”;display,“陈列;展览”。 备课优选 7. Generally speaking, the limits of a persons intelligence are fixed at birth,but whether or not he reaches those limits will_________his environment. A. depends on B. rely on C. feed on D. be depended on B 句意:一般说来,一个人的智商限度在出生的时候就已经固定了,他是否能达到那个限度还要取决于他所处的环境。根据句意,可排除C项。depend on和rely on都有“取决于”之意,但depend on无被动语态,可排除D项。因前有情态动词, 动词用原形,排除A项,故选B。 备课优选 8. He tried to cope with the ever increasing burden of his work, but finally he__________ and had to take a complete rest. A. broke in B. broke down C. broke out D. broke away B 考查break词组辨析。从语意知,此处表示“最终他身体垮了,不得不彻底休息”,所以用broke down。broke in,“破门而入”;broke out,“爆发”;broke away,“脱离;突然挣脱”。 备课优选 9. Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are,______, only secondary. A. above all B. after all C. whats more D. on the contrary B 句意:她的缺点同她的成就相比, 毕竟是第二位的。after all,“毕竟,到底,终究”;above all,“首先;最重要的是”;whats more,“更何况,而且”;on the contrary,“相反的是”。 备课优选 10. —He is said to be working in a very famous company. —He must________a very high salary, I think. A. earn B. spare C. charge D. afford A 考查动词词义辨析。根据语境,“他在一家知名公司工作”,“他肯定挣很高的薪水”, 用earn符合语境。spare,“节约,省下”;charge,“索要费用;索价”;afford,“承担得起,支付得起费用”。 本节讲解内容结束,谢谢使用! 训练手册 * * * * * (2013福建,28)Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks __________ in disasters. A. turn


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